Question about starting in SSF

So right now I'm playing a level 85 skeleton necromancer, but it's super slow and getting a bit dull for me. I'm interested in trying a new build and am wondering if scourge arrow is a good starter for a league in SSF. I've never used it before, but I was thinking of maybe trying it out with a pathfinder or deadeye. Anyone have any input on this?

Other than this, what are some solid builds for SSF in delve? It seems like you need a lot of clear, something that my current build lacks. Thanks!
Last bumped on Sep 25, 2018, 1:47:22 PM
any build is fine but you have to specify you want a strong char to boss or you want to map fast ssf is just same same as trading league but without any unique but still you can go SRS, CA, TR
Pick some build that is not gear dependant - it means it doesnt need any particular gear to work. And it should be fine and enjoying experience.
I rerolled into SSF a few days ago, I'm currently running a juggernaut with sunder/vaal DS. It's a pretty good starter for SSF since you can theoretically do all content on rare gear and has good defenses. Clear speed is nice too.

As people have said, you can make any build work in SSF, it depends on your strategy and how you invest time into it. I picked juggernaut because it can literally do all content and is a very cheap all rounder.

Another tactic would be to reroll a versatile class, like Ascendant, and build your character as you find certain uniques. Of course, as in trade league, you need a league starter strategy, i.e. totems, spectral throw, summons, etc. before you truly spec into an end-game build. BV elementalist is also cheap to start, CA/scourge/toxic rain as well, It all depends on what goal you set for yourself in SSF. Mine is just uber izaro and delving. Good luck out there. :)
I tried serveral things this league in SSF, it started with an Explosive Trap Sabo, not great but also not bad, but needs gear to work well.

I then started a EQ Slayer, works well and isn't that gear heavy, but also not fast and boring.

I found a Herald of Agony Gladiator Build and was interested in it, it works like a charm and your defense is on top, its hard to really die and your Crawler actually does a shit ton of damage.

Currently level 85 in Delve SSF SC

Base Idea

I highly reccomend to tinker this biuld for yourself, a plain copy of the guide above will not work well in SSF.

You can check out what others have done with that.

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General rule is to plan something that can work with rares only and doesn't require great items either, at least for starter.

Then you can play attack builds when you have the gear for it.
You can also farm OG.
There is literally a single difference between SSF and normal mode:

Time investment.

To get a character of the ground, you'll need to invest time more than anything. You'll have to put in the time to farm gear and accept that rather than you choosing the builds, you'll have to work with what you have.

My suggestion is this: Stick to the summoner, maybe switch to specters or SRS, rather than reroll. You wont need a respec, all you need is to switch out a couple of gems in your tabula. Drops in maps are a multitude of times better than the campaign, and summoner especially can have some stupendous clearspeed.

Restrict your rerolls to builds you actually have the gear for, if you want to efficiently manage your time in SSF.
Necro is nice in SSF, if you find skelly items focus on them, if you find zombie on them if spectre on them.

At the current league, I found items for all three, so I have an insane army.

What causes issues in SSF are maps, as you can not fill gaps in the atlas so easily. I often finish a season with 90% or a bit above 100. Especially unique maps are super rare.

Crafting from my point doesn´t make much sense in SSF; it takes ages to see good results and you can not just buy a few alts if you run out.

Most fun in SSF is you making a char from scratch and not one from a guide. I would have never guessed that I play projectiles + skellies, but I do :D
Ygidua wrote:
Crafting from my point doesn´t make much sense in SSF; it takes ages to see good results and you can not just buy a few alts if you run out.

Its a matter of priority. Alt regal is never worth it if you are saving up alts for fusings (and because you always want more links, its never worth it). Chaos spam works, but because zana gives out t15 maps for 6c a pop, its similarily not worth it. Scour alchs on the other hand? If you have a surplus while still beeing able to roll maps, which you should, you absolutely can and will craft useable items.

Fossils on the other hand? Best. Thing. Ever.

+ Spectre rare boots, pseudo 5/6/7 link items, stat-sticks, +3 bows, you name it.

And with how cheap low level delves are, you get them basically for free (minus time investment). Its borderline broken really.

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