Would like to see namelock feature

I just started playing this on Xbox and I'm very impressed. I love this game and I can't stop playing it. It's what I expected from D3 but you guys got the recipe 200% on point. It's perfect.

Anyways, i noticed I can't namelock and it's constantly screwing with me during gameplay. So, I was thinking a good way to implement this would be a feature in options that would allow the holding of attack buttons to lock on to targets until you let go.

Example: Focusing barrage on a boss by holding 'A' button would keep the boss healthbar on screen even if mobs obstructed my view. Letting go would unlock and go to first target in front of me where I could hold 'A' again to lock it. This would somewhat be like how it is on PC.

Oh, and ability to scroll the overlay map would be a nice thing to see as well. Hold menu+thumb stick or something.

Just some suggestions. Thanks for the continued support of this amazing game. I've been calling up all my old school D2 buddies and telling them to get this game ASAP.
Last bumped on Sep 15, 2018, 5:06:57 PM
Hold down RT while using an attack skill to lock yourself in place and target with the stick. It's also uself if using leap slam as a movement skill to hold rt while doing it. Prevents you from targeting your jump onto mobs and only jumping at them instead of over them.

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