[3.3] My Poet's Pen Elemental Hit Slayer All Content Dead

Here's my final build (give or take a few nodes playing around) I used for 3.3. Instead of using bows, I decided to use a Poet's Pen for cursing with a Slayer's overleech, and an Ahn's Heritage for a great resistance bonus. And I use HASTE of all things.

This character started as a Self-Cast (lol) Flameblast (lol again) Wormblaster-hybrid build. I learned much about worms in the transition from that crappy build to this one. They are incredibly useful.

Bodyswap is a skill I use every league as a movement skill. Its INSTANT, MAX-RANGE, and SPAMMABLE... as long as you have corpses

Like all the other new-good Ele Hit builds, you need the two Combat Focus conversion jewels to remove Lightning and Cold damage from your Ele Hit.

Dexterity is/was a huge pain for this build, so I had to take +30 nodes and constantly shuffle gear to manage resists + dex requirements as my gems leveled.


My gear:

Ele Hit + GMP + Ele Dam w/ Attacks + Combustion (have rarity in atm)

I killed four of these things trying to get a good corrupt. I never got ANY double corrupt on it in reality. Two poofed, One went rare, One did nothing (this one). The + levels from corruption would make this build absolutely bonkers, since I managed to kill uber elder on my 3rd try (ever) without it.

Before i got glove corrupt I had two curses on my poet's pen. The VD is useful just to know where remaining mobs are and/or do cleanup and/or get them on fire for the damage buff. I decided to have multiple Poet's Pens for whatever combination of curses/spells I felt like playing with at the time. Here I have unearth to create corpses so I move around faster.

Flammability + Temp Chains / Ele Weak / Mark + VD

IC + Duration + CWDT. Again, I decided to ignore End charges and go with +3 all res and big hp pool + big leech.

Before I got Kaom's I had a 5L Flameblast/VFB for single target killing, but quickly learned it was just a tiny boost in speed compared to OP Ele-hit.

Haste + Artic Armor + Blood Rage + Lit Golem

Attack Speed ended up being absolute king in fun + clear speed. Ele hit doesn't scale with other stuff at all.

CWDT + Molten Shell + Tempest Shield

Just a bit more Defensive buffs, the bodyswap is lvl 20 with the rest 19.

I corrupted the Anger on this but never sold it. I don't use Anger but some other spec might. I tried the Yoke of Suffering but already had the Xoph's (lucky 1st run drop) so I never really played with it. I think it has higher burst potential.

Required Ring. Another thing I'd corrupted at league end trying to get something good/interesting.

Life Recovery most important, Ele Dam, Resists, Life. I got what I believe is a really lucky double corrupt. Would have liked to have increased Dex since I was hurting for it at times.

Fill out resists, life, etc

Since our movement speed / skills are lacking, I felt a quicksilver was very important. Had a witchfire before the Dying Sun.


Last edited by lilbuddha on Aug 28, 2018, 7:15:41 AM
Last bumped on Aug 29, 2018, 4:52:54 PM
Im like this build found shaper easy.
Thanks for the build

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