Aspect Of The Cat Jugg - Instant Leech - All Content viable

Hey , my name is Poizn( and this is gonna be my first ever guide on forums so be patient with me and apologize for my rusty "engrish" . Thank you.

This build was made to farm end game bosses really fast in a new league then i realized that cat aspect is really strong so i min maxed the build around it since you get free frenzy and power charges from it with no downsides, the chest has decent life and allows you to use cat aspect for free(no mana reservation)


-Cheap to start
-Instant Life Leech (Yepp the claw has old VP and it's nuts)
-Realy tanky
-Can do all map mods literaly all of them (for ele reflect disable some auras , for phys reflect high level immortal call carrys, only sketchy one is when you get elemental reflect alongside with -Max)
-Decent clear speed (reave + vaal reave stacks and has nice AOE at 8 stacks)

-Expensive to min max (stat sticks and jewels can be realy expensive)
-Not exactly wander clear speed


-I'm not gona write a big story here , just take sunder or any other lvling skill you prefer and level.

When to make the switch to Reave / Blade Flurry

-Once you have the claw and a decent stat stick you can switch.

Path of Building
(first pastebin is for uber elder fight, u will notice i took Phase Acobactics its super powerfull)
(this one is for general mapping, no Phase Acro and i took "Aspect of Panther" and "Sleight of Hand")


-Early in a league or on first character its nice to take Alira since you get allrez and crit multy and it helps on fixing resistances while giving some crit multy aswell, but later on it's better to get the 2 points since that's generally a jewel socket wich gives you roughly 30-40 crit multy and 6-7% life and its far superior to alira.


-5 Endurance Charges
-Phase Acrobatics on Uber Elder Fight
-While Cat Apsect is active you gain 15% chance to Avoid All Damage when Hit
-6k Life


Minor Gods
-For mapping maxed out "Sould of Shakari"
-For bossing is used "Soul of Tukohama"

Major Gods
-Maxed out "Soul of Lunaris"


(in this order)


Blade Flurry Setup: Blade Flurry - Maim - Elemental Damage With Attacks - Damage On Full Life -Concentrated Effect - Melee Physical Damage
Reave Setup: Reave - Multistrike - Increased Area Of Effect - Elemental Damage With Attacks -
Damage On Full Life - Melee Physical Damage
(In Both of the setups, if you dont run the increased crit on hatred watchers eye jewel switch
Elemental Damage With Attacks to Increased Crit)

Cast When Damage Taken - Increased Duration - Immortal Call | Blood Rage
Ancestra Protector - Culling Strike - Vaal Reave
Hatred - Summon Ice Golem - Herald Of Ash
Blood Magic - Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify


Budget/Starter Version

-I will give you guys some starter options for each slot but note that you wont run cat aspect since the chest is expensive and you need decent gear for it aswell.

Helm:Abyssus is a good option since it gives alot of dmg but you will die easyer.
Weapons: Bloodseeker is realy cheap so its stays and a stat stick that you can afford.
Amulet:Try to pryoritize Life , Crit Multy and added phys according to your buget.
Rings:Flat phys and Life and also want to fix most of resits here.
Gloves: Any gloves with rezists , life and maybe some attack speed.
Belt: Any belt with life and rezists
Boots: Kaoms Roots
Jewels:Increased life with some increased phys should be cheap.
(you need around 45 int on gear amulet + one of the rings is the easyest way.)

Expensive Gear Choices

Helm: Upgrade to a well rolled armor base with balde fulrry dmg enchant.
Weapons: Bloodseeker but now with a better stat stick potentialy a mirrored one.
Amulet: Same stuff better stats maybe some crit chance and wed.
Rings: Same stats but on a steel ring base maybe some tier 1 streanght on it aswell.
Gloves: High Streanght , Hihg Life , High Attack Speed and rezist on "Spiked Gloves" base.
Belt: Stygian Vise , Hihg life and rezist.
Boots: Kaoms Roots with elemental pen enchant.
Jewels:3x Critical Strike Multiplyer mods (with claw , while dual wiealding , with one hander etc.) + %life
(you need around 45 int on gear amulet + one of the rings is the easyest way.)
(you also need an open suffix anywhere on your gear to craft aspect of the cat.)

My Gear

Uber Elder Fight:
(this fight is sloppy , it was in the beggining when i was learning the fight since then i did multiple carrys and deathless run so the build can handle it , i was bad at the fight that's why i died couple times :D)

I Hope i covered everything , if not feel free to ask.

Thank you for reading!
Last bumped on Apr 12, 2018, 3:37:45 AM
great guide! Thanks
Hi there, gonna try ur build it looks awesome.

What do u think about using an amulet like this one?
thuglove wrote:
Hi there, gonna try ur build it looks awesome.

What do u think about using an amulet like this one?

Sick amulet and solves the cat aspect problem aswell , too bad it has no life but i think you will be more then fine with it. GL
What is your opinion on 30% quality vs culling strike corruption?
IGN: Raise_Ur_Donger
demondied1 wrote:
What is your opinion on 30% quality vs culling strike corruption?

Always 30% corruption , you can have culling on totem and you oneshot trash anyway.

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