Currency Stash Tab not updating currency rates on trade websites

I tried changing the price of the currency but the trade websites do not change the prices ( and likewise)
Only when I change to a new currency type (I haven't priced before) does it change on the website, but then after that the price remains the same again and doesn't update even if I change it back to the old currency type.
I listed alch orbs for 1 chaos orb each,
when I changed it to 2 chaos orbs each the websites doesn't update,
now I list alch orbs as 10 exa orbs each,
website registers the change in currency type, and since I haven't price alch orbs in exa orb before, it follows the given value of 10 exa orbs each
but when I change the value back to 2 chaos orbs the websites only updates the currency but not the value, so now I'm at 1 chaos orb each on the websites

Now I know it sounds more like the program not changing correctly but the websites shouldn't be the problem here, I am also running acquisition in the background so I'm not sure if that affects the case, I tried closing acquisition and do the price changes but that didn't work too.

now if you check the price for the website it's gonna be 1 alch for 0.5 chaos even though I've changed it to 0.1667

Last edited by dengseng on Mar 19, 2018, 9:42:36 PM
Last bumped on Mar 22, 2018, 12:07:44 AM
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Both and poe/trade round fractional values to prevent unrealistic undercutting. If you want to use more precise values, you must use the ratio format (as described here for poe/trade or here for
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thank you so much.... I knew I was doing something wrong but wasnt sure what

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