Shadows Suck

Their isn't anything a shadow can do that other ascendancy cant do better except traps and mines. Can i buy a skin transfer of shadow to duelist or raider so I don't have to look at their horrible player characters or voice actors but can still be good at the game with good ascendancies?
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2018, 1:53:58 PM
CoC, autobomber, flicker, CA, crit melee builds, and more. You just aren't very creative if you can't make a specialized build shadow is good with.
There's no powercreep here. Creep implies it's slow and could be overlooked, this is a full out sprint.
I'm not the only one with HotsForShadow
isn't inquisitor better for elemental traps?
tbh, you sound like you haven't tried much stuff in general
Last edited by Burekpie on Jan 31, 2018, 7:00:37 AM
Nah guys heres the deal, I love melee, shadow is bad at it, didn't use to be is now after the Nerf, names one? Flicker, slayer or ascendant is always better, you get an extra socket for slayer and un-stunable when leaching, (Impact so you don't need melee splash) AND you get good defense in over leach, WOW defense in an ascendancy what would shadows know about that? Ascendant has better crit then assassin and can get over leach or raider for frenzies from hitting unique mobs,
I have tried alot of things, yes traps are ok, but clunky, yes trickster scorching ray or ed is ok, but we use to be able to ne melee, now what?

To be honest it sounds like you guys haven't tried a lot of things or you would see there isn't much,

And in case you want to keep arguing, just look at this board and the amount of inactivity their is for builds, I've never seen it this dead, and you should no, Necro's, Slayers, Ascendants, Raiders, Inquisitors, they haven't been this dead the entire expansion. You have to see that fact.
Mdaiber wrote:
Nah guys heres the deal, I love melee, shadow is bad at it, didn't use to be is now after the Nerf, names one? Flicker, slayer or ascendant is always better, you get an extra socket for slayer and un-stunable when leaching, (Impact so you don't need melee splash) AND you get good defense in over leach, WOW defense in an ascendancy what would shadows know about that? Ascendant has better crit then assassin and can get over leach or raider for frenzies from hitting unique mobs,
I have tried alot of things, yes traps are ok, but clunky, yes trickster scorching ray or ed is ok, but we use to be able to ne melee, now what?

To be honest it sounds like you guys haven't tried a lot of things or you would see there isn't much,

And in case you want to keep arguing, just look at this board and the amount of inactivity their is for builds, I've never seen it this dead, and you should no, Necro's, Slayers, Ascendants, Raiders, Inquisitors, they haven't been this dead the entire expansion. You have to see that fact.


If you compare the Shadow board to the others, it is dead outside of like 3 Mine builds that are popular. No matter what build you can make with any class, Shadow doesn't get the job done outside of traps/mines. I have a Necro Elemental Sunder build, doesn't mean it is "legit" you can beat most the game with mechanic knowledge, but knowing if a build is under preforming compared to other classes is just logical thinking, and Shadow is pathetic right now outside of Mines. It is the only legit build people are running, IDGAF about your Flicker Shadow. He is 100% Garbage compared to a Raider/Marauder Flicker build, it is laughable if you think other wise. I agree with OP, it sounds like you people are defending trash, instead of looking at facts because of your feelings towards it. Shadow is shit right now, Necro/Maraduer are stomping the yard, and Raider has MFRipper to always fall back on, Shadow....has GC Mines. Good day.
Mdaiber wrote:
Can i buy a skin transfer of shadow to duelist or raider so I don't have to look at their horrible player characters or voice actors but can still be good at the game with good ascendancies?

Yes, please. I need this.

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