My 3.1 Frost shock build....need advice!

I am running a FP witch that focuses on freezing and shocking while casting really really fast.

I have around 2.5k HP and 3.8k ES. My DPS on POB gets up to 125k with charges/shocks etc and I have no problem clearing trash mobs. My cast speed is really fast with charges rolling which I generate from my gloves, I almost always have full charges up.

I still die a lot to certain bosses and I am stuck around t5-t7 maps.

The next several points will be going into the ES/Life node and 1 more jewel socket. I am saving for a Bereks Grip and hoping this will allow me to survive against bosses a bit better.

I am wondering if I will be able to kill shaper or elder or even reach them with this build.

Looking for any suggestions or advice.

Here is my PoB code on Pastebin:

Last edited by Crazily on Dec 23, 2017, 11:38:40 AM
Last bumped on Dec 29, 2017, 5:08:14 AM
I don't want to be the guy to crush your dreams but what you are playing is somewhat of a gimmicky build. I can't check your PoB right now but looking at your character your defenses are really minimal with a hybrid only affected by Mind over Matter. You still have some way to go to level 90 and pick up several skill points but your gear is all over the place with chaos damage, ele damage, flat damage.

Further more to apply shock and chill you need to deal a certain % of a enemies maximum HP in damage. This is VERY VERY VERY hard to do on Guardians and almost impossible on Shaper with their abysmal health pool.

At this point even being auto attacked by shaper will probably not kill you but will put you in a critical state but even if you managed to play the fight perfectly and survive I do not think that you would have enaugh DPS to save Zana from the portal mobs (resulting in you being killed by the bullet hell attack) or bring Shaper into the next phase before the frost balls cover the entire area.

If you are having trouble on bosses at T5-7 then you prolly need a new build for the Guardians/Shaper.

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