Make killing Oriath citizens in Act 5 at least optional.

We've actually had discussions about this here and there, but no dedicated feedback thread as far as I can see, so it's tiem.

In my opinion, our character willingly slaughtering defenceless Oriath citizens just makes no sense for the most part, and I just felt like the game is not even allowing me to make a basic moral choice.

Since apparently some people think it does make sense, my idea is:
Give the citizens a different "yellow" healthbar/status - they would not be targeted by "autotarget" skills like Arc, or by totems and golems. However, you can kill them if you specifically click on them with a skill/attack, or if they happened to be caught in your AoE.

I think everyone would be happy, and it would perfectly fit the "are we really the good guy?" feel of PoE. Right now the game basically pushes us to do something that's purely evil for questionable reasons at best, and no profit.

I listed my more in-depth reasons why I think this is bullshit for most classes in a General Discussion thread:, ctrl + c below:
For me it just breaks immersion, as it just doesn't match what you do for the rest of the game at all, and it's something like the only "moral choice" you can actually make now, so at least make it an actual choice. In classic RPG terms, killing defenceless citizens is pure "chaotic evil". No profit, no necessity, questionable reasons at best. Fits basically only the Witch to an extent.


- Witch - maybe, although I can't help thinking it seems like it's no fun to her to just kill innocents, she's having a much better time wrecking big important demons
- Shadow - alright, he didn't have too much morals to begin with, but mass murdering defenceless citizens? That's a bit of a stretch he would willingly do it and gain nothing
- Marauder - come on, the guy keeps talking about honour and ancestors. He obviously has no love for Oriathans, but it makes literally no sense to say he would just enjoy killing them all, when some of them may have been completely innocent.
- Ranger - WHAT? She's all about "protecting innocent life" and "killing only to survive" all along.
- Scion - I don't even. There is literally nothing about her character that would suggest she would willingly slaughter defenceless people. It seems the first time she killed a person was her "husband" to defend from attempted rape. In Wraeclast, she seems to greatly enjoy evolving her skills while helping others. Not entirely selfless hero type for sure, but... come on.
Last bumped on Nov 24, 2017, 3:23:20 PM
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Oh get over it dude.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
They should add an ascendency for peacekeeping. Then you could go around and try to stop the civil war between the ribbon factions.

What right do you have to kill anything in this game? They are minding their own business and you come invading their land.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
I was very disturbed by accidentally killing civilians as well.

I remember going out of my way to let them leave groups of monster before attacking a group.

That said however

Civilians are killed in rebellions. That is a fact. The fact that GGG captures this is a matter of applause.

Path of Exile as a whole is a dark game. Our characters try to help out try to do good and our intentions cause much more damage in the end.

The only incentive for GGG to go through the work of making a third enemy type was if there was a specific machine involving "saving the civilians." As the only people attacking the civilians are the Karui slaves, who you are helping with their uprising, the quest just doesn't fit.

Yes it is disturbing that we accidentally kill civilians during the rebellion but that is how it is and it fits the theme of the game.
The civilians are the facilitators of slavery to a host of in game races with a zealot like zeal for the advancement of wealth but mostly power from the dark art... why wouldn't the people they have rejected, outcast and hated not want to end them? the citizens along with the laws were the key mechanics to why our beloved champions where on the slaver boat at character creation.

if you don't understand the story of the game. I can see why there would be confusion to killing the chaotic and flailing citizens in the uprising.

my 2 cent
There are people who have trouble with the idea of hurting (much less killing) people who are not able defending themselves.

Even if these are the people that used and owned slaves.

It is very unlikely that any civilian you see in the street in that seen was anything but a character born into that society where that was how things were for them.

Hence it is reasonable to feel reluctant killing and attacking such people, while the Karui slaves in rebellion preferring them over the soldiers makes complete sense for the reasons you just said.

I say again good job GGG for capturing it well.
You gotta do something when you run outta things to complain about.
To quote my beloved witch:

Everything dies...
Every war has collateral damage. Innocent people die. You may cry about it, but it won't change a thing.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
No Oriathan

Judging from the appearance of the survivors in act 6 and the fact they're all nobles, it's safe to assume the citizens you can kill are of the same class. With that said, I don't care for their well-being as they were most likely owners of Karui slaves before the uprising. I won't seek them out, but I won't try and direct my zombies elsewhere if they get hungry for the rich taste of noble meat either.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.

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