Ruthless gem counter indicator

It would be very nice if ruthless gem's counter was showed upside of the screen next to buff indicators.
Last bumped on Nov 24, 2017, 9:46:14 AM
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+1 this
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Agreed, as well as maybe some minor sound/visual effect when the ruthless hit actually occurs? Would be both useful and satisfying. (If there is one, it's so insignificant I still haven't noticed it, playing with sound on.)
I would like this too. My last character that could have used it, I basically didn't use ruthless and opted for another support because it was going to be too hard to tell when it would occur for me.

also a vote for giving it screen shake and a bit more of a booming sound effect like a crit has.
Since it is every 3 hit, the indicator would just last 0.3 sec until next hit right? what about +20 attack/sec?

Would be better to have visual effect on character than a blipping icon maybe.
Poe Pvp experience
This is a funny little QoL buff that could change more than just QoL. For example, I currently never use Blade Flurry with Ruthless because I can never tell if I've gone off-rhythm. If I got a counter, though, Ruthless would be a very attractive Blade Flurry support.

In any case, I would be excited to see this change added to the game. The more information a player can get, generally, the better.
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Head_Less wrote:
Since it is every 3 hit, the indicator would just last 0.3 sec until next hit right? what about +20 attack/sec?

Would be better to have visual effect on character than a blipping icon maybe.

if it worked this way u wouldnt rly need it, maybe would be cool to have a screen shake for the coolness of it.

Sadly the way this gem currently works is fucked as far as I am aware and needs changed. Atm, afaik, it doesnt go every 3rd hit, it goes every 3rd time you attack, as in every 3rd time you hold down the button you get it for the entire time you hold it down until you release it. so say you go to facetank a boss and hold down on your attack skill, you got a 1 in 3 chance ruthless is active for that attack and you either get 100% uptime on it against that boss while ur holding down attack or you get nothing at all and its a completely wasted gem slot.

Tbh the entire gem is just a giant fuck up, they made it completely wrong, they didnt use the same mechanic they have for something like crits where it happens on and off within then same hold of the button and hence the gem is in an awful place because you cant know when its active. We were suggesting a 1 in 3 hits is really hard mechanic because it synergised with stuff like multistrike where the 3rd hit of the 3 would be super hard a bit like cadence from grim dawn or other such things. but instead its either it happens for all your hits and is completely broken op or happens for none of them and is completely worthless.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
Tbh the entire gem is just a giant fuck up, they made it completely wrong, they didnt use the same mechanic they have for something like crits where it happens on and off within then same hold of the button and hence the gem is in an awful place because you cant know when its active. We were suggesting a 1 in 3 hits is really hard mechanic because it synergised with stuff like multistrike where the 3rd hit of the 3 would be super hard a bit like cadence from grim dawn or other such things. but instead its either it happens for all your hits and is completely broken op or happens for none of them and is completely worthless.


Snorkle_uk wrote:
Head_Less wrote:
Since it is every 3 hit, the indicator would just last 0.3 sec until next hit right? what about +20 attack/sec?

Would be better to have visual effect on character than a blipping icon maybe.

if it worked this way u wouldnt rly need it, maybe would be cool to have a screen shake for the coolness of it.

Sadly the way this gem currently works is fucked as far as I am aware and needs changed. Atm, afaik, it doesnt go every 3rd hit, it goes every 3rd time you attack, as in every 3rd time you hold down the button you get it for the entire time you hold it down until you release it. so say you go to facetank a boss and hold down on your attack skill, you got a 1 in 3 chance ruthless is active for that attack and you either get 100% uptime on it against that boss while ur holding down attack or you get nothing at all and its a completely wasted gem slot.

Tbh the entire gem is just a giant fuck up, they made it completely wrong, they didnt use the same mechanic they have for something like crits where it happens on and off within then same hold of the button and hence the gem is in an awful place because you cant know when its active. We were suggesting a 1 in 3 hits is really hard mechanic because it synergised with stuff like multistrike where the 3rd hit of the 3 would be super hard a bit like cadence from grim dawn or other such things. but instead its either it happens for all your hits and is completely broken op or happens for none of them and is completely worthless.

I can confirm the above is true.

Ruthless with Cyclone is most easy to notice. It will increase the damage of every third Cyclone attack (so when you travel from A to B the full distance), instead of every 3rd hit.

Which means that if you get unlucky, you could be "wasting" your Ruthless Cyclone on a very short distance attack. So when you use Ruthless in Cyclone setup, you're kind of forced to make long distance Cyclones to ensure you're getting the most out of your Ruthless procs. But every Cycloner knows how dangerous that can be, being unable to cancel it or leap while moving... ideally you'd want to go short cyclone, short cyclone, long Ruthless cyclone. But good luck knowing when that is and timing it right, especially at the speed of cyclone attacks.

I would imagine due to the above being a fact, that multistrike works the same way.
Attack 1: 100% x3
Attack 2: 100% x3
Attack 3: 200% x3 (roughly)

What I'm unsure about is how Ruthless handles misses. Since it's per attack based, what if you miss your 3rd attack? Does the counter reset or is the next attack that hits still Ruthless?
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
Last edited by Xavathos on Nov 24, 2017, 9:50:45 AM

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