why not making the trade board auction house like

yesterday it took me 1 hour to buy belt and boots.... since no 1 replys, today before work i tryed to buy helm for 50 min - no success.... why not making AC like be able to put item only with seted price and to be able to just buy it wherever the player is off or online ;( that would eas things up allot
Last bumped on Oct 26, 2017, 12:02:58 PM
or atleast to be able to buy only from online players but to be able to instantly buy when the player have seted price... not to wait that he portal out, load 1 min go to town and accept offer and thats if he sees some one has offered hem...
or atleast to be able to buy only from online players but to be able to instantly buy when the player have seted price... not to wait that he portal out, load 1 min go to town and accept offer and thats if he sees some one has offered hem...

Or even accept the offer, some moron yesterday put a 120chaos price for his 180 fusing, he then rejected my offer after an hour.. it takes a while to put 120 chaos in that damn trade window bro.

No idea why you can't press x to transfer items from your inventory to the trade window, while it works for everything else.
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And the "Buy Out" price should be immediate. If I set a B/O price, I shouldn't have to approve it again, give the player their item. I'm having to wait hours, a day in one case, just to receive an item that I paid the listed price for because I have to wait for the player to login and "see" the offer.

There should also be an auction option, where I can set a minimum bid, and let it run for a set time to sell items. I have bought premium tabs for the sole purpose of selling items since the economy is so new, and while I am having good turnover, it could be better and both buyer/seller would be more happy if this was more efficient.

I know the economy is over inflated right now, but I am hoping that prices will settle down around poe.ninja prices in the next couple of months. Trying to buy specific uniques right now is VERY expensive. I'm all for a free market, so I can be patient, but helping trades move quicker will help stabilize the economy faster as well.
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Cant help but feel like GGG is just half assing this whole trade board thing. I get that they didn't want to do it in the first place and never for the pc...but damn already. Either do it or don't. This crappy, barely useable headache of a thing that they call trade board is just all ass backwards.

If someone sets a b/o...it should be instant! Where is the harm in that? This will help with the price fixing a-holes who waste other people's time by having them submit offers when they have no intentions of selling in the first damn place. Youre also not forced to hit online only if there is an instant buy out.

And let us filter the damn thing! So so many geniuses put complete and total crap up for sell. Such awesome items include rares that aren't indentified and stuff with the lowest tiers of stats. I understand that most of these people are new. That's fine. But at least let us filter it! Try buying a jewel or a ring/ammy for 10minutes and tell me youre not ready to smash any and all things wholesome in life!

You guys don't hesitate to add more mtx wings and "look at me while I intentionally poise by the waypoint" crap.....fix the trade board.

Oh and.....add ITEM SKINS for the love of god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know...that's more money for you guys right!?

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