Herald of Ice + CoH + Curse + Ele Prolif???

was planning to do a CoH setup for my Frost blades Raider,
just wondering if Ele Prolif can help in HoI + CoH setup??

i have a Ranger Bow before and my CoH setup was
Frenzy + GMP + CoH + Ass Mark
or Frenzy + GMP + Power Charge on Crit + Inc Crit Chance

it gives me Frenzy and Power charges..

was planning to do a Leech for my Raider with Herald of Ice + CoH + Warlords + Ele Prolif??
(Does Ele Prolif works on HoI explosions????)

or just use CWDT + blade vortex + CoH + Warlords??
(but i really dont want to use this option bec if i go CWDT the level of gems should be low to proc it and it rarely procs bec im using Grace and a Pure Evasion Build..)

anyone with ideas pls help me out..

cant use Blasphemy + Warlords because of Mana Issues.. sorry..
Last bumped on Sep 10, 2017, 8:52:41 PM
Proliferate only does anything if the Herald explosions apply an ailment, which is terribly irrelevant.

If you're using a Curse on Hit setup, the Curse must out-level CwDT to work. That's the entire reason to use CwDT + CoH :P Blade Vortex has no range though, a raw CwDT + Curse setup is imo much better for bow characters..
Vipermagi wrote:
Proliferate only does anything if the Herald explosions apply an ailment, which is terribly irrelevant.

If you're using a Curse on Hit setup, the Curse must out-level CwDT to work. That's the entire reason to use CwDT + CoH :P Blade Vortex has no range though, a raw CwDT + Curse setup is imo much better for bow characters..

thank you for the reply bro, im currently a Frost Blades Melee Character, what can u suggest for a Curse setup for Warlords Mark???

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