[3.0] Doryani's Fist VP Elementalist

I was eyeing Doryani's Fist ever since the change from "Weapon Elemental Damage" to "Attack Elemental Damage" was announced, and Elementalist struck me as a good choice for a compatible ascendancy. After playing it in Harbinger, I decided that I think it fit to share.

This build is very unique heavy, so maxing the resistances can be a bit of a pain, but the damage is pretty high and the build is decently cheap to get going

The main skill is Ice Crash, since the Elementalist gets 25% lightning penetration if a cold skill has been used in the past 10 seconds, amounting to free lightning penetration without needing to juggle skills

Skill Tree


This is a level 90 skill tree, assuming you kill all of the bandits. Alira's resistance and mana regen can be nice, so consider that as a viable option. If you're able to push higher, arcing blows, Tireless, and Elemental focus are all good choices for nodes to go after.





Doaryani's invitation and Berek's Grip are there for Leech. Kaom's Roots are there for stun immunity, with Devoto's and Ahn's making up the movespeed loss. Lightning coil provides some physical mitigation, as well as making it easier to activate Paragon of Calamity's "increased damage for each element you've been hit by recently"


The Anatomical Knowledge goes in the socket near Ash, Frost, and Storm, since it has 90 intelligence in radius. The two fragility go in the other two sockets.


Focus primarily on maxing resistances with these, though any life/lightning damage is welcome as well

Gem links


Ice Crash-Elemental Damage with Attacks-Lightning Penetration-Faster Attacks-Increased AoE/Concentrated Effect-(Added Lightning Damage)

Shield Charge-Fortify-Curse on Hit-Conductivity

Summon Flame Golem-Summon Lightning Golem-Minion Life-Culling Strike

Herald of Thunder-Wrath-Enlighten

pretty straightforward overall. I avoided Elemental focus because the lack of shocking would interfere with Berek's Grip's life leech against shocked enemies.

This build levels pretty well as a lightning caster using storm burst, spark, or whatever lightning spell strikes your fancy. It does struggle pretty heavily towards act 8, since the lack of stun immunity there hurts pretty hard, though that's thankfully resolved once one reaches level 68 and Kaom's roots become an option.

How good is this build?

-Fairly Cheap
-High Damage
-Temporal chains maps are free packsize
-60% reduced reflected damage taken, with an additional 25% from Yugul being an option

-Life is a bit low
-Single target leech needs opponent to be shocked
-Cannot run Elemental Weakness maps

It's pretty good if you want a lot of damage on a budget. The survivability is a bit meh, since a fair amount of the leech is dependent on shock, and the level 90 tree only has 195% increased life with no life on the helmet, belt, or gloves

Is it hardcore viable?


probably not
Last bumped on Aug 31, 2017, 5:05:24 PM

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