Dps Calculation of Ethereal Knives

Behold a wall of text with nerdy calculations. Sorry for the noob math skills.

Main Skill is Ethereal Knives linked with Added Fire Damage, Faster Projectiles, Faster Casting, Iron Will and Spell Totem. And a Hatred Aura.

All Gems are level 18 with 20 quality.

Ethereal Knives' Base Max damage at level 18 : 642

Spell Damage : %280
Phy Damage : %37
Projectile Damage: %57
Fire Damage: %42
Elemental Damage : %10
Cast Speed : %89
Crit Chance : %515
Crit Multiplier : %95

Max Physical Damage without crit : 642*( 1+ 2.8 + 0.37 + 0.57 )*(0.6)=1825,84
Fire Damage : 642*0.37= 237,54*( 1 + 0.42 + 0.1 + 2.8 )* ( 0.6 ) = 644,20
Cold Damage : 642*0.24= 154,08*( 1 + 0.1 + 2.8 )* ( 0.6 ) = 360,54

Total Max Damage without Critical will be 2830,58

Ethereal Knives' base critical chance = %5

5 * ( 1 + 5.15 ) = 30,75 is the critical hit chance
150* ( 1 + 0.95 ) = 292,5 is the critical strike multiplier.

If cast will land as crit;
2830,58 * 2,925 = 8279,44 will be the crit damage.

Ethereal Knives' base cast speed is 1.
1*(1 + 0.89 ) = 1.89 casts per second = 1/1.89 = 0.53 cast speed.

Now this is where things get too hard for me. My simple brain is not good enough for calculating damage per second. Anyway here's my calculation:

2830,58*( 0.6925 ) + 8279,44* ( 0.3075 ) = 4506,09
4506,09 * 1.89 = 8516,51 will be the total dps.

For some reason , I believe this dps is too high even with best possible items. I am not sure that spell damage affects fire damage just because it increases physical damage of ethereal knives. I am not sure about my dps calculation with crits and cast speed. To be honest, I am not sure about anything at all in my calculation :)

Please correct me If I'm wrong.

I see one math error so far.
When dealing with conversions/added-as-X damage (added fire, hatred in this case), they are affected by both the pre- and post-conversion increases.

The physical portion of your EK damage would be affected by: spell, physical, and projectile.
The fire portion of your EK damage would be affected by: spell, physical, projectile, fire, and elemental.
The cold portion of your EK damage would be affected by: spell, physical, projectile, cold, and elemental.

This means your number is actually too low.
pneuma wrote:
I see one math error so far.
When dealing with conversions/added-as-X damage (added fire, hatred in this case), they are affected by both the pre- and post-conversion increases.

The physical portion of your EK damage would be affected by: spell, physical, and projectile.
The fire portion of your EK damage would be affected by: spell, physical, projectile, fire, and elemental.
The cold portion of your EK damage would be affected by: spell, physical, projectile, cold, and elemental.

This means your number is actually too low.

So you are saying that I should add projectile damage increases too to the fire damage and cold damage ?

So the non crit fire damage should be this:
Fire Damage : 642 * 0.37= 237,54 * ( 1 + 0.42 + 0.10 + 2.8 + 0.57 ) * (0.6) = 696,94

And what about my dps calculation with crit and cast speed. Is it really correct?

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