{3.0} Charged Dash Guide and Build

The Arcane harbinger effect is now known. It increases spell damage every 8sec for 4sec which is great for this build with Hubris Circlet, the unshattered will also gives you a similar buff while channeling that makes you more defensive.

Important: Testing is needed to determine this skill gems relationship to "on attack" since it is channeled. The wiki has no information on how this works together. This is important for rippling thoughts and determining if it's worth it to run ruthless as a skill gem


Charged Dash is a relatively weak skill in the grand scheme of things, it's really difficult to balance the trade offs with attacks speed and movement speed. (Faster attacks = more damage; faster movement = less damage but faster casting time). The obvious choice for me here is to use Storm Cascade (Skill granted by Rippling thoughts sword) and the new shield that gives damage to channeled abilities. This allows you to benefit from your attack speed regardless of your movement speed.

Charged dash Challenges and Benefits
The skill gem reads: "Channel to project a mirage forward in the direction you're facing, based on your movement speed. Release to teleport to the mirage dealing area of effect damage multiple times along the way. Travelling further applies a bonus to the damage as well as dealing damage in larger areas. Faster attack speed and lower movement speed will both cause damage to be dealt more frequently along the path."

It grants 40% more attack speed and phys to lightning conversion. Attack speed really seems like the obvious way to go, but wait there's more to this than meets the eye. If you build straight up Raider pushing attack speed to it's limits you get a ton of attack speed, but you actual speed with this attack is based on your movement speed.

The faster you move the faster your ghost moves, the faster they get to the end of the 60 unit skill and the faster you get your 100% damage bonus. So, movement speed becomes your real attack speed and attack speed acts as a shotgun if and only if you can overlap the explosions.

I believe this build has the optimal, mathematical combination of the two. Because of the increased area of effect we pick up, when using the increased area skill gem for general clearing, our AoE means our last blast almost overlaps with our origin point. This means that you can get all 4 explosions on one enemy and that you have several hundred square units where this perfect overlap exists. This means that while the reported damage of the skill with increased AoE is 67k if you calculate you having a four explosion overlap you actually have 79.8k clearing DPS, +8% DPS per enemy killed in the last 4 seconds (Occultist). Substituting concentrated effect gives you a ton of sheet dps, but it makes the sweet spot smaller and makes it so that it only includes 3 explosions at best. Giving us an actual dps of 87.6k, +8% per enemy killed recently. Which is good, but not as good as PoB reports (PoB reports over 50% increase to damage, when it's closer to 9% more) It still seems to be the best choice regardless of the over reporting of damage.

I also chose not to use elemental focus because our first hit from our storm cascade should cause shock before we jump in and do damage which should be better than that small boost in comparison.

Why Occultist?/Other Options
First, let's get the two elephants out of the room. Trickster and Inquisitor.

So Trickster really seems like the wrong class for this IMO. People go, "OMG free movement skills and 20% attack speed! I'll go Trickster" Two problems with that. Attack speed can be really deceiving for this skill. It's good, don't get me wrong but it leaves much to be desired (better to go fast movement and high damage per hit). Second, if you 6 link the skill it's only about 15 mana to channel which is somewhat high but for perspective 2 Elreon rings makes it free and --again IMO-- I'd rather lose two ring mods than 2 ascendancy points that give me little actual damage. (and that really only matters when you really want to have a free skill). Second there just aren't that many good nodes at the start for this build along with the energy shield leech problem. You will have more total ES if you go this route but... meh I like occultists regen better.

Inquisitor, the obvious choice for any and all elemental builds. Since Charged Dash is not instant but instead just very, very fast you actually always count as near any enemy you are attacking. So you get a sweet 16% damage all the time. Instruments of virtue is where this build would really shine. The automatically cast Storm Cascade is technically a spell and charged dash is an attack so you get the full benefit of the nodes all the time... pretty OP. Righteous Providence gives you crit chance crit multi and 20% effect of shock. Finally, the reason everyone is going Inquisitor now and forever you get free 10% MORE damage and can run any elemental resist map without even caring. The inquisitor is good, too good. You do have to change a few things to make it work. 1. Remove CI; 2. Pick up a bunch of life nodes; 3. Feel bad that your basically cheating using a class that needs nerfed so bad because there's no reason to play any other build if you have any elemental damage at all.

Okay, guilt trip aside the Occultist actually has better clear speed because of how we build this character. Malediction isn't that great for boss killing, but it makes your clear speed so satisfying. Malediction/Vile Bastion is such a great speed clear combo. The more enemies you kill the more ES you regen. The more enemies you kill the more damage you do as chaos which isn't that common of a resit. Malediction is NOT a good node if you go chaos damage or have any chaos conversion. Because you gain 4% of your NON-CHAOS damage as extra chaos damage per curse, and because CD isn't instant but just fast you always kill non-hexproof enemies with at least 2 curses up; it's more or less just an 8% damage per enemy killed buff. You can jump into a pack and kill 10 mobs giving you 80% extra damage and regen 5% of you ES per second. The faster you go the faster it stacks and the easier it is to survive. So while the inquisitor is definitely better at boss killing the occultist trades a small amount of boss potential for some super fast maps. You can even get whispers of doom and grab a third curse via a unique (there are a few options there) to make a build that is just a good map farmer if you need currency early in the league.

A Note on Other choices:
Ranger is a good choice you can go Pathfinder to boost your flasks or raider and grab a bunch of frenzies so that your amazingly fast. Overall I think after doing the math for a long time that both Ranger classes are just flat out worse at this. As far as calcs go. Sometimes something doesn't add up but just feels great. I have a feeling that these two classes feel pretty great, but I can't prove it. So, I can't endorse it.


Elementalist is surprisingly good but because of the way their pen. ability works I can't recommend them for this. You just flat out can't really use their nodes unless you do something really clever but ultimately weaker. You can grab CwC frostbolt which will mean you have 25% pen and slow down
your enemies all the time. It also works well with hubris circlet. That and lightning/ice golem and you can do good damage while avoiding reflect, but honestly I tried this and it just feels like your being pulled in too many directions. Worth a shot, especially end game though. You also lose a lot of defense so keep that in mind.

TL;DR: Elementalist might be my second pick for all around good build, but inquisitor is better for bosses and Occultist is slightly better damage and survival. Worth a shot


Gladiator: Hurrah for block chance and maybe some frenzy charges? Meh, not nearly as good as the others.
Slayer: You lose your best asset, the one handed sword. You do gain suitability and raw sinlge hit damage but this skill isn't that great so just basic scaling isn't really enough (Your mileage may vary)
Champion: Don't. Just don't almost any class would be better.

Rule of thumb here. Are you low life? cool be a guardian if you like. Are you RF? Cool be a guardian if you like. If not, skip it.

People like this guy now. He'll do good damage but again is just your run of the mill scaling which is better suited for a different build IMO. Remember CD has terrible base damage so you need some other way to shore up the damage.

The PoB link shows what I believe to be the best in slot items for boss clearing and decent clear speed (mostly provided by Malediction). You can trade out one of the rares for a unique with an extra curse and an pick up whispers of doom for more clear speed but it won't really change your boss clearing. Because the PoB link is the BiS items for every slot it is obviously going to be expensive to get EXACTLY what I linked, but much of the damage comes from the skill tree and just some basic good modifiers can go a long way. More information on how to build while you look for these BiS items in the budget section.

Skill Tree/Build links

Skill Tree:

Main Setup: Charged Dash(g)->Increased AoE(Concentrated Effect)(b)->Damage on Full Life(r)->Elemental Damage with Attacks(r)->Faster Attacks(g)
Curses: Conductivity(b)-assassins mark(b)->blasphemy
Aura: Discipline
Golem: Lightning or Ice (Lightning has higher dps, slightly. Ice adds more crit which means more lighting bolts)


So to make the build work on a budget my recommendation is to find a good ES shield and any one hander and try to max out your attack damage until you get up to 69 when you get hubris circlet.
This item is the most important piece to the build. Conversely you can just use any generic or lightning spell for the first 68 levels if your into that sort of thing. Once you hit 69 you can try to buy the two new unique items or you can start farming harbingers and harbinger maps for the shards. If you can't get the shards you should be able to save up enough currency for them eventually, and I recommend the sword first as it is the second most important item. Choir of the Storm and Auxium are mid priced items (usually I have no idea about in this league) that you can get at any time, but I would prioritize Hubris and Rippling Thoughts. Then just pick up flasks and as always try to craft some good ES pieces along the way (hopefully they'll be cheaper in the "Life Meta") You can use steel rings or as a budget any resist rings or diamond rings. (remember lightning resist = crit chance).


This is very much so a hit and run build. You want to charge up your attack and aim to have you enemies at the center between you and your ghost. This will (roughly, usually) maximize your damage. You can visualize your attacks here: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/cmnwc3vaky.
The Occultist playstyle is interesting and makes essence surge really interesting as a character option if you are having trouble with defense. These two play into each other. Charged Dash moves you around quickly and Occultists want to avoid damage to keep regenerating their shield. So you basically just run around like a weirdo then you must STRIKE ANDO STRIKE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGiMO44xjis
Last edited by SJW_Princess on Aug 11, 2017, 11:45:52 AM
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2017, 7:42:39 AM
Honestly, this skill owns everything. You got the wrong class though. And a two hand weapon helps maximize the damage. My tree is rather simple, i am nearly full circle in the inner circle, with all mana values since i am a hierophant and gain a lot of ES from mana. Add herald of ice and thunder. I just hit level 66. It really owns. Movement speed and attack speed ease up the casting. Fun skill that clears screen in seconds.
Thanks for the reply. Hierophant is an interesting choice that I sort of wrote of just because of how it's usually only used in rare situations. As far as the two-hander problem is concerned I agree. Two handers are usually better and in a pure calculated sense they are. It's really hard to measure the exact contributions of the various pieces in this build as opposed to a simple two-handed build.

An example is storm cascade. It only exists on the one handed weapon rippling thoughts and it adds about 21,747 dps according to PoB, which can be inaccurate when calculating casting speed. Because it's "On attack" I would be tempted to say the DPS would be closer to 39.5k extra dps. Unfortutnately I haven't gotten the actual weapon so I can't tell you when it counts an attack for happening. It could be whenever you let go of the attack.

The shield Unshattered will also adds 60% increased damage when using channeled skills and that may make it worth it as well.

Again it's not a simple swap two things and see what it's like. I did try swapping some things to make a two-handed build work but the shield's bonus damage makes up for the loss, especially considering the faster attack of a one handed build. That doesn't mean that you are wrong though, because without rebuilding from the ground up I can't really be fair to the idea of a two-handed build.

I will say that it's not really fair to say that someone has the "wrong" ascendancy as this skill seems to have good synergy with a few classes. That said I do understand that Occultist is a bit more of a thematic choice then an optimal in every situation decision.

Again, thank you for the feed back; I'll be looking into several different possibilities in the next few hours
I'm trying this. Now at lvl 53. I made es/life version of the tree https://pastebin.com/7d9xnRRL and I've been using curse on hit with herald of thunder, so the other two curses can be used without taking those reduced mana reservation nodes. Curses: Poacher's Mark, Conductivity, Assassin's Mark.
Last edited by Nikoleus on Aug 12, 2017, 3:33:08 AM
The Arcane harbinger effect is now known. It increases spell damage every 8sec for 4sec which is great for this build with Hubris Circlet, the unshattered will also gives you a similar buff while channeling that makes you more defensive.

I got that weapon now, and crown of eyes, but harbinger effect is arcane surge, and its 20% MORE spell damage so it won't work with crown of eyes! :/ Hyaon's Fury might be a better option. Unless, you use The Rippling Thoughts own spell: Storm Cascade, that cast every time you start channelling. Then you can link two curses with curse on hit and use wrath or hatred instead. Need to calculate this, might be that Hyaon's Fury is still better.
Nikoleus wrote:
The Arcane harbinger effect is now known. It increases spell damage every 8sec for 4sec which is great for this build with Hubris Circlet, the unshattered will also gives you a similar buff while channeling that makes you more defensive.

I got that weapon now, and crown of eyes, but harbinger effect is arcane surge, and its 20% MORE spell damage so it won't work with crown of eyes! :/ Hyaon's Fury might be a better option. Unless, you use The Rippling Thoughts own spell: Storm Cascade, that cast every time you start channelling. Then you can link two curses with curse on hit and use wrath or hatred instead. Need to calculate this, might be that Hyaon's Fury is still better.

Hyaon's Fury is basically Best in slot for almost any one-hander build. I was hoping that the Storm Cascade was worth it. Yeah, the Arcane Surge still counts for Storm Cascade as well
Last edited by SJW_Princess on Aug 14, 2017, 4:35:55 PM
So according to your tree you havn't get ghost reaver or Zealots Oath. How are you going to sustain?
Nubman wrote:
So according to your tree you havn't get ghost reaver or Zealots Oath. How are you going to sustain?

Well, you could get either one, but Occultist sustain via their %regen for killing recently and their really, really fast recharge that can't be interrupted
Seems your idea has died :)
I'll preface this by saying my gear right now is pretty sick, but leveling I had normal gear and this skill just obliterated mobs.

I went a completely different route than the conventional Raider or Witch. I originally specced full tank...because I hate following what others do and enjoy making my own builds. I had Juggernaut/Gladiator (to bleed bosses with frenzy--for some reason I thought bleed was gonna be decent in the expansion--oops). I've since switched things up for more DPS. Now I'm Beserker/Champion. I needed the change because charged dash just wasn't getting it down against higher tier bosses. I could last a good while but fights would take FOREVER. Eventually you run out of flasks. Bleed straight up blows. I had so many points invested in bleed plus 20q gems. Didn't matter.

Taking out packs is mindless- both when leveling and now. It's still high tier (12+) bosses that are a little rough. I did manage to improve the dps by grabbing this:

The increased channeling damage boost was too insane to ignore. I noticed a significant jump. As long as you scale melee damage/attack speed for overlap you'll be fine. Increased Area of Effect is a great supp for clearing packs. Swap it out for conc effect for bosses. You'll get more mirages with faster attacks supp as well. Onslaught is great for this skill obviously.

Since this character is non crit and I'm not a witch, I've had to find some other way to push the deeps outside of lightning damage. I've been running haste/herald of ash but thinking of swapping haste for anger. You could go cold as well. They both scale well with phys. I've been trying to think of creative ways to push the damage for boss killing. It would have been nice to generate some form of DoT for bosses but you'll need to use another skill- as charged dash has an inherent 50% phys>lightning conversion. Like I said, I figured I could bleed bosses down with frenzy and run around like an idiot but it just took forever with too much investment in the tree, which took away from building into charged dash dmg. It's a classic catch 22. I'm up for suggestion on tough boss fights. ;)

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