Leveling from 90 to 100

Can someone explain me how is it possible to lvl up from 90 to 100 in just few days? Like people in events...
Last bumped on Jul 4, 2017, 10:42:18 PM
Do you like Shaped Strand with Double/Triple Beyond (is triple beyond a thing?).

Do you have a team pipelining maps and stones to you?
So no bots for drop and much money to spend on maps and exalts = no option to get to lvl 100?

Why normal player don't have a chance to lvl up to 100?

My friend in 2 days lost 30% exp just because of stupid lags and that means he lost few exalts, about 200 maps and many hours of playing...
Viresti wrote:
So no bots for drop and much money to spend on maps and exalts = no option to get to lvl 100?

Just wanted to drop a fuck you for having to try to delegitimize people that are capable of farming correctly because you wanna be an angsty brat about it.

Viresti wrote:

Why normal player don't have a chance to lvl up to 100?

My friend in 2 days lost 30% exp just because of stupid lags and that means he lost few exalts, about 200 maps and many hours of playing...

Now to follow up with actual advice, a normal player can get to level 100, you just have to be careful. A "normal" player depending on your definition would probably not risk too nasty of mods, before Atlas, the generally accepted method was to run easy magic maps for leveling, rare harder maps for drops. It is still true to an extent but most "normal" players should be capable of handling stuff like shaped strand fairly easily even with some of the worse mods as long as it isn't too many. But in general your chances of sustaining might be a little sloppy without being risky.

But last league I bought 35 shaped strands because I don't like shaping my atlas and rather run all maps but wanted to splurge on exp to 90. I kept track of all the drops that came out of those maps, only got a handful of shaped strands back but that to be expected from a non-shaped atlas. But I made mountains more profit than what I spent on those maps easily. So there isn't much point in bitching about not having the money to spend on maps, I was chisel alching and chaosing any maps that weren't ideal for lack of pack size or nasty mod combos and sextants all around. That shit ain't exactly free but I still made a profit so I could have bought more maps if needed.

And finally, just remember that your build should be done by 90. There is a reason GGG keeps nerfing 90+ exp rates and makes the challenges for lvl 90, it's already a struggle to reach 90 for a "normal" player, anything beyond that is icing on the cake and absolutely unnecessary. You are making the choice to want to level further. Learn to live with that fact or face more frustration than necessary whenever a bad combination of circumstances wipes out days of progress.
"It's all clearer now
And I hear her now
And I'm nearer to
The Salvation Code"
Normal players were never really meant to hit 100

especially in temp leagues

100 is something for the crazy folk
I dont see any any key!
The question was also specifically 'in a few days'. There is a very specific method for doing that, and certainly well beyond 'normal' playstyle.

Anyone can get to 100. Careful play and lots, and lots, and lots of time.

I can't stand playing safe after level 90, which means I've still never hit 91. Don't care, my builds are fine by then, but there you go.
Last edited by Slaanesh69 on Jul 4, 2017, 10:43:11 PM

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