Champion!!! Crit Poison Cyclone

I always wanted to play Champion, as it`s barely used by players (probably only Ascendant sucking more, but I`m not sure)
With my love to Cyclone, I`ve created this build with end-game mindset. At first, I wanted it to be just crit/phys cyclone, but then added poison on top for more damage.

Why Champion?
1. Always Fortified
2. Perseverance belt grants Onslaught while you have Fortify = eternal
3. Attacking enemies Intimidate them = damage increased by 10%

What is this build offers on max lvl with more-less good gear? (Path of Building code:

- 8k life
- 5kk DPS
- 6.5 attack per second
- 92%hit chance
- 75% crit chance
- 500% crit multi
- 52% phys reduction
- 73% movespeed (without quicksilver)
Speaking of gems, 6l is Cyclone - Melee phys damage - Poison - Void manipulation - conc/increased area - added chaos damage/increased crit chance/multi (you can make a choice here: more damage while Wither totem is active, crit chance from 75 to 88% or crit multi from 500% to 600%)

I`m using Abyssus for massive Crit multiplier, which increases our phys damage taken by 40sh%, in order to mitigate this, we have Vaal pact and Fortify.

Lvling this char is fairly easy. I`m using Molten strike with a random 2handed weapon. Blasphemy with Warlord mark should be on to sustain mana issues until your damage high enough (of course you can use your favorite mana flasks until lvl 70~) . Belt of the deceiver is pretty good until you can wear Perseverance belt.

Unique gear I`m using:
Weapon - Terminus est
Armor - Kaom's Heart
Helmet - Abyssus
Belt - Perseverance
Flasks - Lion's roar and Atziri promise

Guys, if you have lvled duelist and money to respec, let me know the outcome (=
Last bumped on Jun 4, 2017, 5:20:12 PM
gepmah wrote:
I always wanted to play Champion, as it`s barely used by players (probably only Ascendant sucking more, but I`m not sure)
With my love to Cyclone, I`ve created this build with end-game mindset. At first, I wanted it to be just crit/phys cyclone, but then added poison on top for more damage.

Why Champion?
1. Always Fortified
2. Perseverance belt grants Onslaught while you have Fortify = eternal
3. Attacking enemies Intimidate them = damage increased by 10%

What is this build offers on max lvl with more-less good gear? (Path of Building code:

- 8k life
- 5kk DPS
- 6.5 attack per second
- 92%hit chance
- 75% crit chance
- 500% crit multi
- 52% phys reduction
- 73% movespeed (without quicksilver)
Speaking of gems, 6l is Cyclone - Melee phys damage - Poison - Void manipulation - conc/increased area - added chaos damage/increased crit chance/multi (you can make a choice here: more damage while Wither totem is active, crit chance from 75 to 88% or crit multi from 500% to 600%)

I`m using Abyssus for massive Crit multiplier, which increases our phys damage taken by 40sh%, in order to mitigate this, we have Vaal pact and Fortify.

Lvling this char is fairly easy. I`m using Molten strike with a random 2handed weapon. Blasphemy with Warlord mark should be on to sustain mana issues until your damage high enough (of course you can use your favorite mana flasks until lvl 70~) . Belt of the deceiver is pretty good until you can wear Perseverance belt.

Unique gear I`m using:
Weapon - Terminus est
Armor - Kaom's Heart
Helmet - Abyssus
Belt - Perseverance
Flasks - Lion's roar and Atziri promise

Guys, if you have lvled duelist and money to respec, let me know the outcome (=
An issue I see with this build is the AoE, or complete lack there of.
Have you tested this in-game yet?

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