[2.6] Righteous Fakener - RF CoC Discharge Cyclone/Blade Flurry w/ short video

Hi Everyone, after quite a while i am back with another Build guide: We're combining the fun playstyle of Fakeners with the power of Righteous Fire (60% more Discharge Damage, anyone?) - enjoy!

I haven't seen any similar builds (RF + Coc Discharge) so far, but should you happen to know of any, please bring them to my attention. This concept seems to hold potential, and i would like to hear some opinons from coc Discharge and RF specialists respectively.

The build isn't 100% optimized and there are things that i still have to get (f.e. Starkonja's Head with the right enchant), so in the end it should have more crit and life than the present version.

Playstyle: Shield charge into a pack (gaining Fortify, cursing enemies and triggering EE), then use Cyclone (will trigger CoC discharge), pick up loot, repeat...

Upcoming/Planned Build Guide Improvements:
-Better Videos, T15 etc
-CwC Bladeflurry version of the Build



NOTE: If you manage to cap your res without a rare ring, then use Kaom's Way + Romira's Banquet.

Planning to get/Ideal gear:
-Starkonja's Head with Discharge Enchant
-Belt & Jewels with more Res -> replace rare ring with Kaom's Way
-Atziri's Acuity with +1 to socketed Gems corruption
-Kingsguard with +1 to socketed Gems corruption



Main Skill:
Cyclone or Blade Flurry-Crit strikes support-Cast on Crit support-Discharge-Fire Pen Support

6th Link options: Flame Surge, Inc Aoe/conc effect, Life leech support

Curses (socketed in Abberath's Hooves!):
Curse on Hit support - Assassin's Mark- Warlord's Mark
4th link options: Inc AOE, Shield Charge, Blind, Chance to Flee

Mobility (3Link in Dagger or Shield):
Shield Charge - Fortify Support - Faster Attacks or Inc Aoe

Aura 1 + RF:
Righteous Fire - Purity of Fire - Empower support - (optional RF Support:) Elemental Focus/Increased Burning Damage

Aura 2 + Utility (don't have to be linked):
Vitality, (ice) Golem, Tempest Shield

Cwdt (optional):

Cast when Damage taken support - Blade Vortex - VOrtex - Increased Duration



Life-Passive-Endurance Charge


Do i need a +1 curse Devotion?

No, you can use Doedre's Damning.

Can i use voll's protector instead of Kingsguard?

Yes, but it doesn't help your damage that much while turning you into a glass cannon with mana problems...

Can i use some non-Vagan weapon?

Yes, but you'll have to make changes to the Passive tree: Take "Undeniable" instead of "Unstoppable" in the Ascendancy tree as well as invest 4 points grabbing "Versatility" and "Precision". If your Crit chance turns out to be low, then maybe use a Rat's Nest.

Can i use Rise of the Phoenix or a Leo Shield instead of Saffell's?
Yes, and non-legacy saffell's will work, too. A leo Shield might mean that you do not always outregen RF (depends: is Fortify up? Do you use Kaom's Way? etc), but it should be playable.

Why do you use Abberath's Hooves?
(1)It's a convenient way to curse.
(2)The Ignite pseudo-prolif helps our AOE
(3)Damage scaling with Strength
(4)Abberath's fury does actually deal noticeable damage since it benefits from most of our dmg scaling

Doesn't Abberath's Fury mess up EE?
No, it doesn't trigger while we are Cycloning.

Can i use Death's Door/some other boots instead?
Yes, IF you find a convenient way to apply your Curses.
One possibity would be Shield charge-CoH-Curse1-Curse2, but this means we need another skill to gain Fortify (Vigilant Strike?!)

Can i use something like CWC Bladeflurry instead of CoC Cyclone?

Probably, but i still have to test that.
My 2.3 Build Guides:
Oro's Crit Flicker Assassin: view-thread/1691639
Sire of Ignites Elementalist: view-thread/1703646
Low Life CocSpray Occultist: view-thread/1711959
Last edited by EvilChomsky on May 3, 2017, 5:54:57 AM
Last bumped on May 1, 2017, 10:32:07 AM

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