Help with identifying if an item is worth selling?

So I’ve been reading up on stuff before the league on Friday. I’ve never had a top tier character before, one of the reasons why being that I’ve never really had a handle on how to make currency to then buy the items I need. This league I’m planning to focus on a single character and trying my best to kit them out as well as I can. I have one question however I can’t seem to find the answer to anywhere.

What exactly should I be looking for?

I’ve read the “Efficient Currency Farming” guide here on the forums but I’m still unsure with what I should actually be looking for. Say when a yellow drops and my loot filter highlights it (using Neversinks’ full filter in case it helps explain anything) when I look at said item, what exactly should I be looking for to know if it’s worth selling at all. And I don’t just mean big ticket items, but items worth a couple of chaos also. In the past I’ve always had to individually search for each item on to get an idea but this gets very tedious. I’d like to hopefully look at an item and have a general idea in my head of the pricing just form that.

I hear people talk about good basses, bad bases, tier 1 items, meta items. What are these? Or is there a site I can go and look at which explains this. How do you know what the meta is?

No I don’t expect to be making loads of currency overnight, I’m not looking for some quick fix. I just would like to start selling more than some Atzuri fragments for a league.
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2017, 9:36:06 AM
Maybe the website might help.
Just CTRL+C your item from the game and paste it.
It will give you a decent idea.
Scroll down to see what other items in that price range look like.

Also, it´s always a good indicator if you have 2x or 3x resists, dmg multiplicators, crit chance and/or multiplier, life mana leech etc.
Basically what a class needs! The website above will at least show you which tier your stats are in. If you happen to find an item with at least 2 tier1 stats, it´s most likely worth a lot.
You can take a look at

The more and higher of the affixes listed in each basetype the item has the more likely it is that you will sell it.
Thank you both very much for your responses and links!

Quick question, what are considered good "crafting bases" and why? Are those the items I see streamers sink lots of currency into, in hopes of getting something that sells big? Is this something I should ignore until I find my feet?
Crafting bases might vary depending on what you want to do. Craft for yourself or craft for profit(selling).

That being said people usually try to craft bases with the highest itemlevel they can get. That way they make sure they can hit the t1 rolls.

You can check out for a list of non weapon bases.

If you can generate enough currency that you can sustain your gearing/mapping you could ignore "high end crafting" as it is a huge currency sink and you could go broke and end up with a worthless item.

Also most filters will display good crafting bases so it can be pretty easy to learn which bases are good and which are bad.

Ok, thank you very much for the info.

So in short I need to look for items with tier 1 or 2 stats on them, 2-3 resistances on armor, movement speed on boots? At least to start with.

I think I will pass on crafting until I have a better understanding and don't mind losing currency.

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