Can't install properly - Issue: bad allocation

Hello people

I have an issue with installing Path Of Exile on my computer. It happens after the installer is done and I have clicked on the shortcut on my desktop

It goes like this:
'Checking resources'
and then it close down and opens a tiny window which is as follows:
Its title is: Exception
The content is: bad allocation
The only option is to press 'ok'. When that is done it comes up with an error message saying the program has been closed, they're sorry for the inconvenience and ask if I want to send a rapport about the error.

Does anyone have any solution to this problem?

I am running on Windows XP SP3.

Kind regards,
Last bumped on Feb 25, 2017, 5:48:23 PM
Clean up your operation memory - you don't have enough RAM to run this game. Close your browser, close other apps that you running, etc. You need to have at least 1.3GB of free op. memory.

Also, maybe something is wrong with your installation.. run PackCheck.exe in the game folder and wait a few minutes.
Last edited by bSun0000 on Feb 25, 2017, 5:49:53 PM

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