Suggestion on animate guardian build

So , i'm still leveling my witch and i need some sugestions on what should i use.My main points right now are:
1)Summoner obv
2)Items for Animate Guardian(20q):
Kondo's pride(f**k Starforge, too expensive)
Carcass jack
Snake bite
Rare helm life res
Rare boots mov speed life res(res capped ag atm)
3)Going CI , items in posession atm:
Ephemeral Edge(not dealing dmg myself so the 50% ES looks fine)
Victarios charity for frenzy generation for ag snakebite(poison)
700 Es Chest
175 Es boots ( mov speed, tri res etc)
230 ES Helm with 25% increased ag dmg enchant, will upgrade to 40% later)
4)Will use dual curse with Lightnin Ball+curse on hit+punishment+vuln
5)Skill tree:

Any suggestions on improving something?
Last bumped on Jan 24, 2017, 12:45:23 PM
Inspired by Bob:

So basicly im doing a beggar Bob
The main problem with an offensive Animate Guardian is that he's as dumb as a sack of bricks. A sack of bricks that spends 50% of its life doing a silly little taunt animation instead of being useful..

Ignoring that, I wouldn't give him any rare items. Flat life is pretty insignificant and it only takes a few jewels to cap his elemental resistances.
For a helmet, I'd go with a devotos's devotion for speed and chaos res and for boots I'd go with blood dance for the regen.
My supporter items: Victario's Charity and The Forsaken
but im gonna waste my jewels probably with unending hunger for aoe, so even if he hits once-twice he basicly will take half hp of all the monsters or kill them
Since im going to insert the gems into my ES armor, what are some good links for it, i can go for at most 3 off links because its really expensive, so atm i plan

Animate G(R)+Mellee Splash/Multi(R)+Mellee Phys(R)+Added Chaos(B)+ ????

What would be my 5th link in case its Red Blue or Green?
Minion Damage and Minion Speed are good blue supports. Faster attacks or Void Maniputation if green, dnu which would be the biggest dps boost. Red; idk, maybe empower?

The 5 link I would go with would be AG + melee splash + multistrike + minion damage + added chaos with a 6th being melee phys.
My supporter items: Victario's Charity and The Forsaken
Last edited by Mokihiki on Jan 24, 2017, 11:25:28 AM
i totally forgot about minion damage lol, thanks!

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