[2.6][HC]The Thirstiest of All Detonaters

[Quick edit note; This build is slightly dated and do for some checking up, but feel free to ask anything you can't figure out, for now i'll just add a endgame tree, and a progression points as you lvl will come later.]

Found quite a few people interested in the build I decided to try and make for BHC with the unique soul thirst.

Video Showcase

Thirsty Quick Explanation and demo


-Damage from detonate Dead is based off mob hp and thus means clearing breaches and higher tier maps is not difficult
-Damage based off hp can mean for some huge hits
-Damage dealt from detonate dead can not be reflected at all
-consuming souls with soul thirst means some serious defense as well as speed
-Not many buttons to push other than DD and the occasional life flask
-Excellent Solo experience
-With souls up you can run through alot of the traps in labyrinth


-Not the most synergistic with supports
-Not the best for parties
-losing souls makes you feel real fluffy like, so you cant fall asleep while playing just yet
-izaro is one of the most annoying things as mob hp is detonate deads damage and the only mobs you can spawn off desecrate in izaros room is skeletons, this makes the fight a bit annoying but not impossible.
-breachlords themselves are a pain as well as you can not Detonate the adds that spawn from the portal despite being able to blow them up with abbysal cry, profane bloom, and gladiators blood explosion.


Ascendancy choices

Necromancer - My go to choice for this build has to be necromancer as we get the speed bonus and damage boost from scourge by going this class as well as getting some duration and a good amount of block including some chaos resistance. I like it because of it's defensive ability and utility as well being able to provide good damage.

Gems and links

6l Detonate Dead-Fire penetration-Increased Area of effect-Faster casting-Chance to ignite-Elemental proliferation/Concentrated Effect

In Kitavas Concentrated effect/elemental proliferation-Detonated dead-Ston golem | flamability

3l in scourge = shield charge-faster attacks-fortify

4s Orb of storms-Artic armour-Enduring cry-clarity

4l cast when damage taken-immortal call-bone offering-vaal lightning trap

3l faster casting-flame dash-Desecrate


For starters lets get the absolute essentials out of the way

A 6l - No matter what it is a 6l is required to get the correct amount of mana to cast kitavas thirst, i used a tabula rasa till lvl 88 then switched to a cheap 6l i bought on poe trade till i 6led a carcass jack

Soul Thirst - This is what makes the build the build, the fun enabler, the thirstiest, as soon as you can start using this well i would

A saturated sanctified mana flask - Having the longest duration in the game makes this a clear choice to keep our souls up as long as we're casting and chaining for more speed and speed

Kitavas Thirst - This will be our second way of dishing out additional damage and survivability, all around a good choice.

Not required but good choices to look to

Ngamahu tiki/xophs blood - This will make our Detonate dead deal alot more damage and is very noticeable, both are good but xophs blood is much better.

Carcass jack - The end all be all chest in my opinion, if you want more life you can go for a nice rare chest but i like carcass for the aoe and damage, 6l is required regardless.

Tabula Rasa - The starter pack 6l will take you all the way to when you can find a good upgrade.

Opal ring with Essence of anger craft - This a pretty big late game damage boost and would highly recommend it

Breach rings with life, mana, and chaos res - Makes breaches in general alot safer especially chayula

The scourge - This is the end game weapon of our desires, a bit expensive though.

The supreme truth - A cheap and effective weapon to get us to the scourge

-My Gear


Skill Tree

Lets start with 30 point increments and what to lvl with. Dont level with Detonate dead and level with firestorm, orb of storms power charge on crit and 2 tulborns is the strongest setup imo.

End tree for now

Feel free to ask me any questions you may have and i'll do my best to answer them, thanks for reading!

Last edited by GooGeish on Mar 7, 2017, 6:36:27 AM
Last bumped on Aug 4, 2017, 9:26:55 AM
Hi, cool build! :)

I would like to ask if there's any other viable classes.
Hi, cool build! :)

I would like to ask if there's any other viable classes.

Hiya so having thought about some of the other classes the ones i can come up with off the top of my head that have the easiest transition into this build and gear would be pathfinder and heirophant. Those which would require a different tree as well links would be inquisitor and assassin. And then completely doable but different builds/gear would be elementalist and trickster.
Hiya! Playing this build now. Currently lvl 70, seems pretty good but I have trouble keeping my mana low enough for soulthirst to be effective for general clearing. Any tips?

Also, killing bosses takes forever, any idea why?

Have you tried The Surrender shield with this build? You think there's enough block in the build to make it good for survivability?
sweet build. different from all the meta crap.
gbjui wrote:
Hiya! Playing this build now. Currently lvl 70, seems pretty good but I have trouble keeping my mana low enough for soulthirst to be effective for general clearing. Any tips?

Also, killing bosses takes forever, any idea why?

few tips i could give would be to make sure you are on a 6l, and keeping the mana down can be a little bit of an issue till you get more maximum mana as well as a good start on the pack, what i'd recommend is getting a zerphri's last breath to get a decent chain started and cast as much as possible, than to use your longer flask if needed, usually you'll be going fast enough with just zerphri's, dont worry too much about it. Also a saturated greater mana works as well.

edit: right as well for bosses just make sure your desecrate is lvled enough, if it spawns corpses lower than the zones level the damage will be noticeably worse, other than that not too much else, most bosses for me died fairly quick. just want that curse proc from kitavas
Last edited by GooGeish on Feb 6, 2017, 5:58:09 PM
ivqancorp wrote:
sweet build. different from all the meta crap.

thanks! glad you like it
muristo wrote:

Have you tried The Surrender shield with this build? You think there's enough block in the build to make it good for survivability?

heya, no i haven't tried the surrender but i think with a different setup and more defensive tree it could work out but no i didnt bother as i wanted to keep the build as cheap as i could.
sorry for the late replays had been a bit busy, updated the build a bit to my current setup

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