Exiting POE causes black screen

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have regarding this issue.

I've played POE for a few weeks now and notice that on occasion, when I exit the game via the main menu the screen goes completely black and I am unable to access my Windows desktop or other software.

Resetting my PC resolves this problem, but is there a better way to avoid this issue? It's a new PC build and I have no issues with other software or games, so perhaps there's something in my POE graphics settings I can troubleshoot?
Last bumped on Dec 3, 2016, 11:37:05 PM
I to have had this issue. At first i thought it was another program i was running at the time. However, when i rebooted my PC and opened path of exile and closed it. The black screen occurred and I had to force shutdown my computer.

(sidenote)There was a patch prior to the one where this was occurring and that had issues with latency and stuttering.

From memory I was running default settings and had not touched the other options menus.

I was really excited to play the new league after hiatus. Hopefully people will respond and GGG will take notice.

Check your DirectX options under Game Options. I was having the same problem until I changed the renderer from DirectX 9 EX to DirectX 11. Once I did that, the game was able to close normally and I was returned to my desktop.
SiliconMage wrote:
Check your DirectX options under Game Options. I was having the same problem until I changed the renderer from DirectX 9 EX to DirectX 11. Once I did that, the game was able to close normally and I was returned to my desktop.

Yes that's worked - thanks!

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