2.4.2/2.5 Would like help theorycrafting (first timer): The Scourge + Blade Flurry + Evangelist

UPDATE: Tweaking some things based on suggestions, hopefully I update each section correctly. Things that are changing:
-removing Whirling Blades and socketing Raise Spectre into The Scourge (frees up a 4-link for auras for the LL version or a movement skill or whatever you want to use, Flesh Offering with possibly haste will make running viable, might not pick up much attack speed for Whirling Blades since Blade Flurry might have plenty by default),
-putting Fortify with Blade Flurry
-turning the spectres into a purely utility/defense skill (linking with minion life and increased duration, the latter making their proximity shields last longer)
-adding jewel section
-adding Crown of Eyes helmet and tweaking trees to pick up efficient spell damage nodes scattered through Witch area


First time trying to do a build from scratch, feel free to critique as necessary. Going to start nice and simple as this build idea isn't too far out there, but should hopefully be viable.

NOTE: Of course I just so happen to be traveling the first two weeks the skill is out, will do my best to update this with people's suggestions and research I can do with it without actually playing.


Main idea is as follows:

-The Scourge unique claw converts minion damage into damage for us, so the Necromancer ascendancy is an obvious choice. Might as well add in some minions for efficiency (since we will be getting Minion Damage nodes for ourself) and extra damage (Spectres deal some insane damage, Animate Guardian for some damage auras, and a Golem because why not). Most likely a crit build since we are so far from Resolute Techniques and crit seems to work well with claws and poison(?).

-Blade Flurry seems like it will have great clear speed and the wolves summoned will help a little with this (personally skeptical on the single target that GGG advertised, but that's where the Evangelists will come in).

-Use Undying Evangelists for their proximity shield and nice single target dps (pretty good clear speed too). These are usually good choices for Spectre's in the usual SRS/Spectre/Auramancer builds done by AngryAA and Leary93 where some of my ideas are borrowed from, but they lose out to Flame Sentinels due to the clear speed. Additionally, the usual summoner builds are constantly moving around dodging (and thus in and out of the would be proximity shields if using evangelists) while their minions kill stuff. Well now, we will be standing still while channeling Blade Flurry and thus the proximity shields should be more important.

-Poison seems like an even more obvious choice for this build. The majority of people who look at Blade Flurry immediately see poison as a great way to scale damage (as with most physical skills). Additionally, it will add to the Spectre's damage since the Evangelist spectre option is usually supported by Poison (thus both our damage and the Spectre's will be boosted by things like the Vulnerability curse).

-Animate Guardian to hold items that buff you, your minions, and party members. Dying Breath staff and Leer Cast helmet for damage buffs to allies. Zahndethus' Cassock for consecrated ground. Get Life/Resists on cheap rares for rest of items.

-Golem options: Flame for damage, Ice for accuracy and crit, Stone/Chaos for defense, and Lightning for speed (seems like the weakest to me as the cast speed portion would only benefit the Evangelists I believe). Perhaps even skip the Golem since we are starved for sockets like the usual summoner, hard to skip though with all the extra minion damage and life.

Life vs Hybrid vs CI vs LL:

Life: No gear transition needed as we level, so easier to go for, however being focused in the Witch/Shadow area means less life nodes available, would be possible to reach Scion life wheel if we spec out of CI and Ghost Reaver. Swapping Discipline for Hatred would work well with minions and our physical attack.

Hybrid: Really tempted to do an actual hybrid character since I've never had one for the end game. Seems like it is a lot cheaper to gear and reach a higher EHP. At the moment, this build does not require too many uniques so getting resists on gear would be easier. Would have Zealot's Oath from flask or tree for ES regen (starting at 6.8% ES regen and reaching 9% if we spec into Growth and Decay), and we have some life leech as well as flasks to maintain our health pool. Would also make swapping Discipline aura for Hatred a viable option. This would add chill/freeze and boost our damage by a lot, including our spectres and SRS (if we go the CoC-SRS route).

CI: Always strong, can reach ridiculous numbers with ES multiplier by CI. Options to go ZO or Vaal Pact.

LL: Probably the best and most expensive option (although not much more expensive unless you want to use a Skyforth, which would certainly create an easy power charge generator; downside is it takes out the option to run Boots of Ullr for an additional spectre, this would require some testing to see if the easy power charge generation makes our damage that much more than an extra spectre). One downside about LL is that Necromancers are often starved for sockets already, so trying to take advantage of the extra auras we can reserve for would be harder, I'll try and address this in the gems section.

Possible knockback idea:

Use either a knockback support gem or some other form of knockback to really make this build shine, by:
-knocking all enemies back into one group for massive overlapping,
-keep them out of your proximity shield for complete invulnerability,
-while not overdoing it so that they get knocked out of your Blade Flurry range.


Disclaimer: hard to know for certain until skill is released and testing can be performed.

-Double dips minion damage
-Double dips poison (technically quadruple since Spectres also benefit from poison)
-Proximity shield from Undying Evangelists
-Defensive auras and curses (Arctic Armour is great for channeled skills)
-Options for Zealot's Oath to regen ES or go Vaal Pact
-Get to try a new skill that finally makes the awesome Scourge claw viable!!!

-Not fully function until level 70 (The Scourge requires 70)

Gear (work in progress):

The Scourge claw

Victario's Charity shield (adding the Necromantic Aegis notable makes your spectres generate Frenzy charges for you and your allies (including the other spectres) on hit as well as Power charges if they get a kill, would require testing to see how often they get the killing blow but I could see it working as they deal insane damage. Regardless, having a Frenzy charge generator (if not also a power charge generator) is not only good for us, but charges are even more powerful on minions (note this is good knowledge to know for any build when doing maps with charges on enemies): http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Charge#Effects_on_mosters_and_minions)

Low Life shield:

One option would be the Prism Guardian shield for an easy way to save a socket (no need for Blood Magic support gem) and increase the amount we can reserve due to the unique explicit granted by the shield.

Crown of Eyes helmet was a great suggestion made in the comments below. Lots of efficient spell damage nodes that we passed right by in the trees. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Crown_of_Eyes

Grip of the Council gloves is a nice option, especially for life/hybrid. Unfortunately I don't think the extra cold damage applies to us even with The Scourge claw, but Undying Evangelists do insane damage (might require using one of the uniques to give us more Spectres to make this boost in damage worth it) http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Grip_of_the_Council

Southbound gloves would be an interesting option. Great for life/hybrid build. We would probably have enough cold damage to freeze monsters, at least white mobs to maintain a high clear speed. An interesting interaction would arise here though:
-if we couldn't freeze some/most/all enemies, then only our spectres would get killing blows (since this "kill frozen enemies" restriction does not apply to them),
-this guarantees them the kill and thus grants the power charge generation from Victario's Charity shield, and
-would allow the minions to trigger the Unending Hunger jewel to gain soul eater.

Old boots idea (use rare boots now as we are going to use the spectres mainly for defense only now):

Boots of Ullr are great for the extra spectre. I foresee the spectres doing comparable, if not more, damage than us. So having a third (base number is 1, we get a second from the tree) would be a great boost in damage.

Essence Worm is nice for the extra gem slot (starved as a necromancer) as well as the boost to aura levels

Witchfire Brew Flask for Vulnerability http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Witchfire_Brew

The Sorrow of the Divine saves us a couple of points in our tree (no Zealot's Oath needed), adds some nice double dipping damage, and would be great for a hybrid build as well as for the rest

Atziri's Promise is a nice cheap option for damage and leech, the chaos resist is nice for life/hybrid option

Removed the following jewel idea as we are tanking spectre damage:

Unending Hunger is a fun jewel, but would require some slight tweaking of passive tree to work and would need some testing to see who gets the majority of the killing blows (you or your minions)


Gear for Animate Guardian. Credit given to Angryafrican (AngryAA) for the choice of gear:


Dying Breath staff (damage for allies, increase effect of curses on enemies), Helmet (damage for allies), Chest (consecrated ground for extra ES regen), and cheap rares with Life/Resists for rest.


6L: Blade Flurry - Poison - Incr AoE/Conc Effect - Fortify - Added Chaos - Faster Attacks/Melee Phys (these might need optimization, perhaps other supports are better, and to determine priority for 4/5/6 links; added chaos seems like a good idea with the natural fast attack rate of Blade Flurry).

Old 6-link ideas:

Note: I don't actually think Minion Damage support works to boost Blade Flurry's damage because it is a "more" multiplier instead of an "increases or reductions" as stated by The Scourge claw. Would have to replace with a different support, but might still keep in the CoC-SRS version due to the buff to Raging Spirits' damage.

6L: Blade Flurry - Poison - Minion Damage - Incr AoE/Conc Effect - Faster Attacks - Melee Physical (might need optimization and to determine priority for 4/5/6 links).

Alternative 6L idea: Blade Flurry - Minion Damage - Poison - Cast on Crit - SRS - Melee Physical/Multistrike? This idea mainly just seemed like a fun alternative, but who knows, may end up being better due to fast attack speed of Blade Flurry and thus more CoC procs. All supports aside from CoC will benefit Blade Flurry and SRS (well Poison will be slightly weaker on SRS due to the 50% fire conversion, had a thought of using Consuming Dark and dual wielding weapons, but seems like a waste of stats, hard to say for sure).

Unfortunately, I'm really starting to lean away from the CoC-SRS option. Would be really fun and the spirits deal some decent damage, but:
1) due to the 2.4 changes, CoC would at most summon 2 spirits per second and they do not benefit from the more spell damage that was added to CoC due to this reduced trigger rate,
2) since I am fairly sure Minion Damage support doesn't work with Blade Flurry (even with The Scourge claw), we would now be missing out on 3 support gem slots for Blade Flurry (CoC, SRS, and Minion Damage), and
3) Raging Spirits really shine with +skill gem levels; since we are using the claw, that means a +3 fire staff is out of the option, our only source would be an expensive +1 gems corrupted chest or an Empower (which would take away another support gem slot as I doubt Blade Flurry, as with most attack gems, will not benefit that much from Empower).

Old Spectre option:

4L: Raise Spectre - Spell Echo (remove when summoning) - Minion Damage - Poison

Open 4-link to do with as you please, great space for auras for a LL version, and perhaps a golem.

New Spectre option:
3L: Raise Spectre - Increased Duration - Minion Life/Resists (put this in claw so wolves last longer and are tankier, MOAR meat shields -- now have zombies, wolves, a few spectres, a guardian, and perhaps a golem; ALSO the Increased Duration is really good with Undying Evangelist Spectres, makes their shields have nearly a 100% uptime for just 1 spectre, but we have 2!)

Old Claw sockets:

3L: Whirling Blades - FA - Fortify (put this in claw so wolves get supported by FA and Fortify, faster attacks being more important here)

4L: Animate Guardian - Raise Zombie - Minion Life/Resists - Fortify

Think about tweaking the rest since we have an extra 4L available (maybe remove Desecrate from following 4-link, turning it into a 3L; perhaps turn 3-link below into a 4-link, options to also add an Enlighten)

4L: Flesh/Spirit Offering - ID - V. Haste - Desecrate (Spirit would be great for life/hybrid, would lose some speed, but gain damage and defenses)

3L: Arctic Armour - Blasphemy - Temp Chains/Enfeeble (have Witchfire Brew flask for Vuln).

1L (Essence Worm): Discipline (or Hatred for life/hybrid)

Even with Essence Worm multiplier, we end up with 82% reserved, hopefully mana cost of Blade Flurry will be manageable with that.

---or for Low Life---

3L (Prism Guardian): Discipline - Hatred - Haste (reserves 97% of life with the 4% less from tree and 25% from local shield explicit)

1L (rare Unset Ring, don't use Essence Worm or it will screw up your life reservation): Purity of ???

1L (rare Unset Ring): Purity of ???

Feel free to play around with this. Commander of Darkness would be probably slightly better than Spirit Eater for the final ascendancy point for this LL option. Try and make room for a level 1 Clarity as well for a free aura. Note that Arctic Armour does not count as an aura so it would not buff Commander of Darkness. Unfortunately we are quite starved for sockets, cry more Necromancers, maybe one day we will get more sockets!


LL (nearly 300% increased ES) picked up some spell damage nodes for Crown of Eyes, picked up power charge and spell damage per power charge north of Witch, removed one minion life cluster near Templar (terminating at Puppet Master) but kept other one (terminating at Herd the Flock) for the damage node their, the extra zombie, minion resists, and minion life regen. Option as always to go Vaal Pact over Zealot's Oath or just save some points and don't get either and instead use Sorrow of the Divine flask for ZO:

Rest of these haven't been updated to accommodate using Crown of Eyes, just adapt above tree for CI/Hybrid.

CI (nearly 300% increased ES): http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAVhBQU1EQXdBQWZkLUs2UUp0R1V1dUd5WFpXNWYwVWxNOVgzMFk3SXByMnhGUU5ibW5LeUwwYkF1VEotLUktVGZYejBteHZvcWhMM19HRVpZQkNialozVWdISHBVdThOVkpVYUtqRDhRN2ZMaktqX3JzR0N5X0ZkZUdybFpqME5CZmFzclR0QXpxdWcxOFY4bkpQYi1YOGg0by1vTEgwX3NUYkFaSmFxd2R2ak9IQS03NTZMaVRITnlQR2taeGd3bHZucHlraHhOM0ItdnVwd2lkcmhwczk4SFpDeXFZLW9BeTBVVkhpRUNtckpBendHWThCZTk4cmZFWVhUenZhUEtQUnB1aDk5Zk12S3JFaFdCTnVZUklYR3ZEYlE1SVhmSXFDM0JTS3dvUkwtdGp0VWdZYW5ndmZPVllCLUdJSGFyLVNadUt2azlIaFRrTDJWNy1nVWlPRGVJPQAQQUFBQ0FBZlFBUUgwQVFBQQAA

Hybrid (130% increased life and nearly 270% increased ES, not sure what numbers are needed here, have never gone hybrid; could pick up more life and chaos resist from Purity of Flesh wheel and perhaps spec back into ZO to save a flask slot): http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAUhBQU1EQXdBQWQ5LUs2UUp0R1V1dUd5WFpXNWYwVWxNOVgzMFk3SXByMnhGUU5ibW5LeUwwYkF1VEotLUktVGZYejBteHZvcWhMM19HRVpZQkNialozVWdISHBVdThOVkpVY3JUdEF6cXVnMThWOGtvLW9MSDBfdHFyQjItTTRjRDd2bm91Sk1jM0k4YVJuR0RDVy1lbktTSEUzY0g2LTZuQ0RMUlJVZUlRS2Fza0RQQVpqd0Y3M3hvOG85R202SDMxOHk4cXNTRllFMjVoRWhjYThOdERraGQ4aW9MY0ZJckNoRXY2Mk8xU0JocWVDOTg1VmdINFlnZHF2NUo4Qi1pQUFTem11QkZuVk5TQ1BUQVZHcERxSDFha2F5WU9saFZ4b1BiaWRPTU5sVkxZZUltbFp1S3ZrOUhoVGtMMlY3LWdVaU9EZUk9ABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA=


-Mistress of Sacrifice (Offerings affecting us is obviously good. Skill effect applies to poison, probably to summoned wolves, and possibly applies to Evangelist's proximity shield duration -- have to locate someone's guide where they talk about something linked to Evangelists that made their shield have a nearly 100% uptime).
-Fleshbinder (necessary for Soul Weaver ascendancy and a nice defensive boost since we will have a few zombies).
-Soul Weaver (insane boost to Spectres).

Final options:
-Spirit Eater (we get both the 30% damage boost due to The Scourge claw as well as the 40% if we have consumed a corpse recently; this option seems best if we run few auras)
-Commander of Darkness (great for party play and/or if we run a decent number of auras, resists are pretty cool too!)

Sample comparison:
-Casting one Desecrate with Spirit Eater creates 5 corpses, consuming these grants us 10% attack and cast speed in addition to the 70% damage (70 for us, 30 to minions, and 0 for party members).
-Having two auras up with Commander of Darkness grants us 10% attack and cast speed in addition to 20% damage (20 for us, minions, and party members).

Could alternatively drop both Fleshbinder and Soul Weaver in the case that the Spectre damage is somewhat negligible compared to Blade Flurry (doubtful, but theorycrafting here so looking at all options; but still use Evangelists for proximity shield). And instead we could get both Spirit Eater, Commander of Darkness, as well as Beacon of Corruption to boost our Poison damage and perhaps when the wolves summoned by The Scourge die, the caustic cloud from Beacon of Corruption may do meaningful damage. Could alternatively keep Fleshbinder for the defense boost instead of grabbing Beacon.

I think I will end up with: Mistress of Sacrifice, Fleshbinder, Soul Weaver, and Commander of Darkness at first to help with resists (replace Commander of Darkness with Spirit Eater once better resist gear is acquired).


Normal: Kill all
Cruel: Kill all (for skill point) or Help Kraityn (for attack speed)
Merciless: Help Alira (for power charge, good choice made obvious if using Crown of Eyes and picking up "Spell Damage per Power Charge" above Witch power charge) or Kill all for skill point


First of all, a reminder to not get Unending Hunger with our more defensive links for Spectres (Increased duration and Minion life/resists socketed in The Scourge claw).

Instead pick up rare jewels with the following stats (recall that a jewel can have 2 prefixes and 2 suffixes):
Cobalt jewels

Prefixes (pick 2):
-Minion damage +% (double dips with poison)
-Spell damage while holding a shield +% (don't think this double dips with poison even if wearing Crown of Eyes)
-Attack speed while holding a shield +%
-Max life/ES %

Suffixes (pick 2):
-Spell damage +% (better than "Damage" if using Crown of Eyes)
-Damage +%
-Area damage +%
-Attack speed +%
-Global critical strike chance/multiplier +%
-Resists +%

Will try and add list for other color jewels.

My ideal jewel would be:
-Minion damage (prefix)
-Max life/ES (prefix)
-Spell damage (suffix)
-Attack speed/resists (suffix)

Leveling tree (for Blade Flurry most likely, will test this out in 2.4.2):

Start like so and go from here (will know how viable this may be once Blade Flurry comes out and I can test its leveling viability, especially as a witch with scarce damage nodes):

I'll work through a tree, gear choices, final gem selections, and possibly leveling options (will be slightly awkward since we can't use Scourge until 70 anyways, but necromancers are used to brutal leveling) once Blade Flurry is released and I work on some job searching first.
Last edited by Deadseeds on Nov 25, 2016, 4:14:06 PM
Last bumped on Nov 22, 2016, 9:51:38 AM
Reserved for vomiting up my thoughts and answering some questions/suggestions.

Leveling options:
-Usual caster leveling (firestorm/flameblast).
-New leveling option (Blight until you can use Blade Flurry, might be best option to just level with Blade Flurry since we have AoE nodes close by, claw nodes are somewhat close, might path through ES nodes at very start to save some respec points for inevitable CI since the spell damage nodes won't help Blade Flurry, not the most ideal class for leveling with Blade Flurry but that just means more incentive to pick up life nodes early to make this build viable for HC).
-Summoner leveling (usual somewhat slow option for crazy people like me who enjoy it, it isn't that bad).

Extra reasons for Evangelists:
-AoE nodes will benefit Blade Flurry as well as Undying Evangelist's attack.

Refined Tree (still needs work but has some more flexibility):
-I'm planning on going with the Zealot's Oath option, partially because this past league I used Vaal Pact so I want to change it up, and partially because it seems like a waste not to with some convenient regen nodes nearby and the consecrated ground from Zahndethus' Cassock on the Animated Guardian. Added in the additional curse and curse effectiveness wheel as well as the Leadership wheel; planning on doing Blasphemy - Temp Chains (increases poison duration and slows mobs) - Vulnerability (double dips on poison, in a different way), could do enfeeble instead for a more defensive option. Removed physical damage nodes (that ended at Force Shaper) since it doesn't double dip poison.

Having trouble with passive tree links to pathofexile.com, so using poebuilder links instead.

Initial Trees (most likely needs work):
-Zealot's Oath option (works well with consecrated ground created by either flasks or when Animated Guardian blocks due to Zahndethus' Cassock, also there are some efficient regen nodes nearby)

-Vaal Pact option (saves a few points for more crit)

Options to tweak trees (remove crit nodes or something else to make room for):
-Claw nodes are somewhat nearby (ones on Northeastern edge of tree), leech rate seems to work best with ZO option.
-Path through Power charge or jewel socket north of Witch. Might also add some Frenzy charges depending on gear choices and charge generation options.
-One handed weapon nodes are nearby as well as dual wielding nodes if we choose to do that.
-Whispers of Doom for extra curse and that wheel for curse effect if we use Blasphemy, probably will pick this up since we path by it.

-Normal: point
-Cruel: point/attack speed/physical damage (most likely can rule out physical damage, doesn't double dip with poison?)
-Merciless: point/power/frenzy

To be continued...
Last edited by Deadseeds on Nov 14, 2016, 11:02:48 PM
Would this work as LL? I happen to have a 6l shavvs and skyforth in ESC.
Absolutely! Meant to add that. Would make commander of darkness the clear choice for the final ascendancy with all the extra auras you could run. Would suggest pathing through power charge north of witch if using skyforth.
Last edited by Deadseeds on Nov 16, 2016, 1:06:29 PM
please note that scourge only works with increases and decreases to minion damage and not multiplicative increases (more) and multiplicative decreases (less). so minion damage support doesn't work with your damage output since it's a more mult

otherwise i'm really looking forward to this. the synergy with flesh and spirit offerings are quite strong. i would envision this build maxing aoe as far out as possible and using knockback and defensive curses and spectres. evangelist is always a solid choice, but another option is the plumed chimeral from sceptre with their suppressing fire debuff.
Thanks, I had updated that with the gems section, but forgot to do so with the "main idea" section. And yeah, I made sure to grab the main AOE nodes, the knockback idea I think would work great with keeping people out of the proximity shield (hopefully I mentioned that somewhere) in addition to the usual defenses you are probably thing about.

I wasn't aware the skill was coming out this soon and unfortunately I am away traveling for two weeks and won't be able to actually test it. I will do my best to clean up the guide so it may be easier to test out. Let me know how the different choices of Spectres turn out, I don't have too much experience with too many of them.
I will join you on your scourge/blade flurry journey!

Have it running on a hierophant right now because I am lazy, plus its pretty decent tbh. ( Free Inc aoe on evangelist, ll on zombie, free power/endurance charges and some bonus ES)

Initial thought is crown of eyes is perfect for the build. Especially if you end up going low life and can take advantage of the pain attunement node along with the various nice spell damage nodes we otherwise skip. Otherwise decent es and free life/mana leach.

Also plan to skip bones of ullr. Think it is much more effective to just get high res/es boots so you can free up your rings slots for fat dmg. Especially because the vast majority of your damage comes from blade flurry, 2 evangelists are plenty imo.

Thinking it might be best to even socket zombies/spectres together supported with 2 tanky support gems and just use them as utility and meat shield, freeing up some sockets for.... something!

What ya think? Look forward to hearing your progress.
I reskilled my necromancer for scourge Blade flurry and it is effective and really good. But one important point: Focus! Either do a summoner, and use jewels for spectre/skeletons etc. to use any minion skill you want, or do a melee witch and use mainly damage jewels and minion damage jewels because of scourge. I use a stone golem on a cwdt setup but honestly the wolfs and any golem is just a distraction for the mobs and not really important.
But with scourge there are some nice clusters for claws that are of more use then you wasting points in to many minion clusters. And for attacks you also need accuracy which is often in those specific weapon clusters.
EDIT: To clarify all your skillpoints you put in minion life/leech/regen will support your spectre but wont support you, but in all those clusters you have to pick those points to get further. And on the other hand you haven´t picked enough minion cluster to make your spectre really strong, and then as soon as a bigger monster kills your spectre you are on your own and got a lot of useless skillpoints.
My tree (lvl75/cruel lab done)

And most important(!!!): Blade Flurry is a melee skill (for now maybe they will nerf this) so use fortify support.

And for more defense option I would say also bone offering is good and then use haste aura.
Last edited by griffinzero on Nov 18, 2016, 4:18:56 PM
I'm looking forward to be trying out this build. Maybe you could add a section about what to look for in jewels?
WaterWii wrote:
I will join you on your scourge/blade flurry journey!

Have it running on a hierophant right now because I am lazy, plus its pretty decent tbh. ( Free Inc aoe on evangelist, ll on zombie, free power/endurance charges and some bonus ES)

Initial thought is crown of eyes is perfect for the build. Especially if you end up going low life and can take advantage of the pain attunement node along with the various nice spell damage nodes we otherwise skip. Otherwise decent es and free life/mana leach.

Also plan to skip bones of ullr. Think it is much more effective to just get high res/es boots so you can free up your rings slots for fat dmg. Especially because the vast majority of your damage comes from blade flurry, 2 evangelists are plenty imo.

Thinking it might be best to even socket zombies/spectres together supported with 2 tanky support gems and just use them as utility and meat shield, freeing up some sockets for.... something!

What ya think? Look forward to hearing your progress.

Crown of Eyes is a great idea, was just watching twitch and Raiz is doing something similar, he had also mentioned Crown of Eyes. Skipping boots is not a horrible idea. I'll do some thinking about combining zombies/spectres, currently don't see an issue with that (nice "synergy" with dropping boots: we lose some damage by combining but we also lose some with dropping boots; i.e. I don't think keeping Boots of Ullr would be a good idea if we combined zombies and spectres, all or nothing!).

I'll try and tweak the LL tree (maybe life/hybrid/CI trees as well) with Crown of Eyes in mind. I do remember passing by some efficient spell damage/crit nodes, should hopefully work well.


UPDATE: Instead of combining zombies and spectres, I put spectres in The Scourge claw with an Increased Duration (increases uptime of proximity shield significantly) and a tanky support (minion life/resists); both those supports also help increase how tanky the wolves are and how long they last (I think), essentially giving us more wolves (meat shields).


IMPORTANT NOTE ON CROWN OF EYES: Pain attunement does actually not work with Crown of Eyes (same reason why Minion Damage support does not work with The Scourge), it is a MORE multiplier instead of an increase/reduction. I did not notice this at first.

However, even without the insane boost from Pain attunement, we still pick up 90% increased spell damage from the tree by only adding 3 points near the Witch (Occultist's Dominion and the 16% and 12% starting nodes). 70% from the tree: a good chunk of this was already in the old tree before the Crown of Eyes idea since the nodes that had spell damage were already worth picking up, now they are even better. We also get 20% from the "4% increased Spell Damage per Power Charge" with 5 power charges (1 from tree, 1 from Alira, and the 3 standard).
Last edited by Deadseeds on Nov 22, 2016, 11:07:49 AM

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