[2.4] Theorycrafting Degen Crit Assassin

Hey guys.

I am in the middle of theory crafting build focused heavily on DoTs.
My idea is to connect bleed generated by voidheart with strong chaos based degens proced by CoC.
Also, it got triggered by this new sexy microtransaction for vortex :)

Skill tree would be something like this: http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAUxBQU1HQVFBQWVMRFlvdG5JRlBWdmFvd1d2N1RSeUF4MmdyVklKcFZoNGxWTGpEYUowM0JTS2d0ZDhnNUlFWllISHBVdThOVkpVWV82WEVDSHk2ZWJkWjdQRlhfR2t5ZHNDeUwwYlJtWDlGSlRQVi1YbFV5eklHNVFNT09FRGRGalEtdGpOajJkcW15TVlxd0k5TUJVYWtPODZnUUhnOXRWeGpwWXJKajMxMUt2clVwbl9OMWZ1MDJib1JocWVDOTg1VmdIajBhbkNKMnVBM1dSSzFoM1h3VFZwc0JtUEFYdmZKX2ZtanZ0UEFTem9nQ0NtLXc0T3Rnbkw1QlZWNVFwVDJ1M2hYM3I3cHJnUloxVFVoemN1Sk1vLXBpdGp4cUN4eDItTTRjRDd0QWY3LXNhYk9RaWhLSUhtVm53VEk0eU1oQ1MyWWE4Ync9PQAIQUFBQUFRQUEAAA==

Overall focus on getting somewhat ok amount of life, boosting phys and chaos damage, getting all the power charges and AoE.

Main link would look like this:
Cyclone - CoC - Vortex - Inc AoE / Conc Effect - Inc Crit Chance - Inc Crit Damage

Obviously, conversion of damage would be deadly important here, so for gear I would need:
- Pyre, for full cold to fire conversion
- 2x Consuming Darks for fire to chaos Conversion
- Voidheart to trigger bleed and poison with Cyclone

As you see, idea is to cyclone through crap, leaving a lot of vortexes behind, which would initially crit heavily and apply poison via consuming dark and further do a cold degen, while cyclone applies its own poison and bleeds with physical hits.

For heavier single target we could add wither totem, as we are scaling chaos damage which would additionally poison.

Unfortunately, I don't have any good character to try it out and test in real environment, so before I start investing time into building this toon I would love to problem solve with you guys following questions:
- how to add some defenses? Current tree has ~140% life and ~100% es, so only option I see is to stack ES. I imagine having 4.5k life and around 2-3k ES on top would be manageable. CI is also an option with this tree, as you roam around those clusters, so respec wouldn't be terribly expensive

- Would Cyclone with high Crit chance and multi do enough damage, so poison and bleed via voidheart would have any meaningful impact on the char?

And obviously any other feedback points are quite welcome.

Last bumped on Sep 26, 2016, 5:55:40 AM

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