[2.3] AoE Chaos Ranger/Raider Wander - 100% Move Speed - Fast Clear

The goal in mind was to a build a fast clear speed wander using Obliteration wands as the main unique item base by using 2 of these it will give a 40% chance to explode for 25% of mobs life as chaos damage.

With fast clear speed and using wands movement skills like whirling blades cannot be used to increase overall move and clear speed so the goal was to have high movement speed (achieving over 140% movement speed with flask and 100% movement speed without)

As with all things, there must be a balanace. The end result was accomplished with the downside of having a lack of single target DPS currently at lvl 86.

YouTube Video

Sorry in advance for the bad voice volume. Mic isn't working well so the normalization is off.



High AoE Damage
Fast Clear Speed
100% Movement Speed
Cheap To Gear (Less than 1 Exalted)


Low Single Target DPS
Can Be Laggy For Lower End Computers

Required Gear

These are my 3 personal required items, the Carcass Jack could be optional but the higher the Increased Area of Effect the higher overall damage due to Kinetic Blast Explosions and Chaos Kill Explosions

100% Pierce chance is required (each time a Kinetic Blast pierces an enemy it will create a small explosion) This is easily acquired by using a pierce gem and using the pierce nodes on the tree that give 50% above acrobatics

20% gems are not required but of course are always helpful.

Skill Tree Lvl 89



Raider --> Way of the Poacher --> Avatar of the Slaughter --> Rapid Assault --> Avatar of the Chase

with Rapid Assault and Avatar of the Chase you get a 50% increased onslaught (30% Attack Speed, 30% Movement Speed, 30% Attack Damage) with a 40% increased attack damage boost, totaling 70% increased attack damage along with the movement speed and attack speed.


Currently for Auras I switch between Grace and Hatred depending on the map rolls
also I am using Blasphemy Support linked to Warlords Mark. I am only 86 but by 89 I will finish the mana reserved nodes and try to switch the clarity with some mana regen nodes but it is working fine now with the leech from Warlord's Mark.

The ONLY map I cannot run is physical reflect. Everything else is fine including enfeeble, no regen, elemental reflect etc.


Like I stated the gear is fairly inexpensive, the wands are about 1 chaos, the most expensive thing is the Carcass Jack which for a 5 Link it was 30 chaos. The rest of the gear is rares along with a rats nest (optional) for the run speed and crit speed.

Because of the naturally high crit chance with the Obliteration wands I skilled some into crit and currently have a base of 55% chance to crit without any power charge nodes.

Last bumped on Dec 8, 2016, 5:51:06 PM
Love the build, love KB!

Would you say this is still viable for Breach?

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