[2.3] Need opinion on my crit Frost Blades assassin

Hi this is the second build I made entirely by myself but I've hit a point where I want other's opinion on what I could do to enhance my shadow. This is the tree I was using, note currently changing for a lot more life and reworking it in general:


This isn't my current

Here are my gears :

I mostly use blasphemy-warlord's mark, EoA and EoI for my safer auras and EoA, Hatred, selfcast elemental weakness for things like Izaro, or simply more damage.
Note : Dual strike feels bad for single target vs frost blade simply because frost blades' additional range tend to keep me alive.

As my first shadow I feel quite satisfied with it but I feel like the community can still help me improve by a lot.
What I love about this build is the shear amount of projectiles I send (a bit over 70proj/second) with the chain of my touch of anguish. The skill also feels like an arc that chains tens of times more and faster. Yes this skill often goes into other rooms although nothing beat a good open area!

Of course my 2845 Health pool isn't very good so I can get one shot easily but I still feel like I've made something interesting to play.

Being quite poor myself (I dropped an exalt yesterday so now my wealth must be around 2ex) I bought all my gear for less than 5c each and 6L the belly of the beast myself, although the build is incredible even at 5L. So I'd say this build is cheap.

I could make a video on a map around tier 6-7 (since I don't have anything more) if requested, I didn't make one since I don't have a recording software atm. Don't hesitate to ask though I'd be happy to do so.

Thanks you for reading and I'll apreciate all feedback!
Last edited by magrikus on Aug 9, 2016, 3:47:14 PM
Last bumped on Sep 16, 2016, 1:17:30 PM
As you said, the main thing you need is life on gear. Also you missed some life nodes that you are right next to on the tree. I suggest getting more life would be the first step. (And, pretty much the only step; everything else seems fine.)

A few things I noticed with your gems:

-You could 4L your hat then add inc duration, that would be great for immortal call and vaal haste.
-Link your whirling blades up with your fortify.
-Try using Melee physical damage instead of weapon elemental damage, and see if it boosts your tooltip at all.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
Hey there!

My suggestions:

Tree - Has almost no life and some pathing is very questionable. This is the tree I would use. More damage and 130% life instead of 66%. Tried not to change it too much so you wouldn't have to use too many regrets, but yeah. You shouldn't need any aura nodes as I will show later.

Also - somehow - choosing Assassin as your Ascendancy gives you almost no benefits. Probably 70%+ of your damage is elemental, which can't poison, and because of your low dmg per hit and the fact that bleed can't stack - and because you take almost no nodes that increase bleed dmg, Noxious Strike and Toxic Delivery are gonna be very ineffectual. Similarly, because this is a low damage, fast attack speed build, Ambush isn't doing much for you either. If you took Deadly Infusion, you could at least replace ICS in your link and use FA/Hypothermia/Added Cold/Whatever instead. Of course in that case you would have to probably use Ass Mark to get the charges, which you might not want to do. So to be honest, Raider would probably be a better choice.

Gem setups

FB link - is fine. MPD doesn't work on the projectile part of the attack.
Whirling Blades - Should be linked to Fortify, FA, and BM if you need to.
IC+Vaal Haste - Add Increased Duration
Auras - Should be Hatred+Enfeeble or Hatred+Arctic Armor and self-cast curse of choice or a defensive curse on second Cwdt. You are not using Heralds to apply any curses, so they are of limited use. Endurance charges from Warlord's Mark are nice, but Enfeeble is insane defensively. You also shouldn't need life leech, as you get sustain from the claws. You DO need to get some mana leech, however, either for one point on tree (prefferable), or on rings/amulet. I am not sure how you even play without it (with your Hatred setup) O_o.
Ancestral Protector - Should have it's own 4 link. Link with MPD+FA+ICS. It helps with single targets quite a lot.

Gear - Needs more life all around. Forget about added x elemental dmg to attacks. You are scaling physical dmg, so the gains from it are marginal. Not sure why one of your rings has Added Lightning dmg. You are not using HoT, so you don't need extra light dmg to proc it, and it's not enough light dmg to shock any targets that would need to be shocked. Forget about Cold Doryani's, it should be Phys Doryani's if anything, but much better still would be Rustic Sash/Leather Belt with life and resists. Amulet needs life and Crit Dmg/Crit Chance. Lastly, I am not sure how necessary it is to dual wield Touches of Anguish. I haven't seen any videos of how clearing looks with your character and setup, but I don't think it would be a problem with just one chain and without the DW bonuses. With a decent EV shield you could actually make use of all the %inc EV on the tree and it would be a much safer option. Alternatively, you could use a rare, high dmg Gemini Claw for more single target dps and solving any mana problems.

Last edited by Cabesi on Aug 10, 2016, 6:18:49 AM
Happened to be looking for a Frost Blade Shadow build, and came across this. @Cabesi Would it be worth it to grab Hired Killer, Constitution and Path of the Warrior nodes, and of course all of the life nodes between Constitution and Path of the Warrior? If yes, when during leveling?

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