Does DoT from the same skill but different casters stack?

E.g. if I have a Spell Totem that casts Desecrate somewhere, and then I self-cast Desecrate on top of that, will monsters in the area take damage from both effects? I tried to test it and it didn't look like it stacks, but I couldn't tell for sure.
Last bumped on Jul 24, 2016, 3:57:43 PM
I would have to guess that only one such effect is taken, and only the most damaging one is taken in any instance.
It is not a question of DoT. Many things don't stack: Ground effects, burning, shock, chill, etc. Poison on the other hand does stack (no matter whether it is yours or somebody else's.
Right, it doesn't, an enemy can take damage from only one DoT effect of a kind at the time, only one burning ground, only one vortex, only one desecrate. Except for the stackable ones, of course.

I kinda miss searing bond beam stacking, the skill was much more interesting then.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Does it really not? A friend and I did some unscientific testing with two Contagion + Essence Drain characters and they seemed to stack and my Contagion seemed to spread his Essence Drain (IIRC).
Servios Deus meus.
No it doesn't!

A creature can have multiple applications of these debuffs of the same type but usually only the one with the highest damage per second work at any given time (except for poison where all applications stack cumulatively); this is true even in the case of effects applied by different players or sources.
Joined 07.08.2011 as Arebor
Last edited by Zagharos on Jul 24, 2016, 4:00:01 PM

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