5 Link prophecy

I have the following prophecy: You will create a fully linked five socket item with a single jeweler's orb.

I'm not clear on exactly what that means. Can I get five sockets on any item including ones that usually have only four?

Can I use the orb on an item with one socket and get five fully linked?

Can it be used on rare items? How about unique ones?

Is there any way to anticipate the socket colors?

I am currently playing a duelist.

Is armor the best place to apply the change? If so what type?

Should I roll changes first then socket or get the sockets first then roll for changes? I am not currency rich but have 10 chaos, 2 regals and a divine plus a bunch of lesser ones.

what else am I missing?

Any guidance would be helpful. Thanks.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Last bumped on Jul 24, 2016, 1:20:41 PM
This prophecy works the following way:
The next time you apply a jeweler orb to a chest piece or two-handed weapon (bows included) it will become 5-socketed and 5-linked. Socket colors are random. Rarity of item doesn't matter, but you probably want to apply it to unique or good rare.
Thanks very much. But I could apply it to a non magic item and then use currency on it right?

Does anyone have any interesting ideas for chest uniques that would be suitable for a duelist (cleave based) for 5 linking?
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
ChanBalam wrote:
Thanks very much. But I could apply it to a non magic item and then use currency on it right?

Does anyone have any interesting ideas for chest uniques that would be suitable for a duelist (cleave based) for 5 linking?

You can apply it to a normal item, the prophecy changes nothing about the item, except the sockets and links. It doesn't stop the item from being craftable.

I would recommend using it on an already good item, though, since crafting can get quite expensive especially for a new player.

Good cheap-ish uniques you might consider are Belly of the Beast and Daresso's Defiance.
Good rare chest is something with 95+ life, 60+% resistances and some base defenses.
Thanks. I will look at those.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone

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