Curious on your thoughts on cutthroat.

1. What improvements would you like to see?
2. What builds do you think were the strongest/weakest?
3. Would you do it again?
Last bumped on Jul 27, 2016, 4:28:00 PM
Cutthroat makes a great game... just not this one. This game is more about refining your equipment as it is building a character. Your character is pretty easily discarded... your equipment not so much. A good cutthroat game has far less emphasis on equipment and far more on skill/character development. Shadowbane was really fun.
Probably play it again. Was fun. But honestly I think this sort of thing shouldn't be in an actual race season. It reminds me of some stuff from mmos where it was done on a weekly basis for fun.
One major improvement would be getting premade characters that start in act3, that way we get to reset from battlefront while ganking.
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
ZoRoXo wrote:
One major improvement would be getting premade characters that start in act3, that way we get to reset from battlefront while ganking.
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
jstq wrote:
ZoRoXo wrote:
One major improvement would be getting premade characters that start in act3, that way we get to reset from battlefront while ganking.

thats a big slap you got there mrdoto69arrian
Setting the futility of giving feedback on cutthroat aside...

I played the first one and got 2 shot by freeze pulse at level 9. Looks like the many skill rebalances didn't translate well to low level pvp. Never again.
Last edited by Aodui on Sep 1, 2017, 12:38:35 PM
I think you should drop your gear because you have the ability to store back up gear. Altering your play style for this race shouldn't be an issue. Sure, it sucks to lose gear, but it doesn't need to be the end of the race for you.

Agree that balancing in this game makes pvp lol

Last edited by Aodui on Sep 1, 2017, 12:38:41 PM

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