How hard uber lab is compared to the merciles version?

I did quite a lot lab runs in the previous league, it was pretty easy with my beefy EQ marauder, a bit harder with my vaal pact user bow build and quite annoying with my lowlife build.

As for now I am playing an other beefy build on HC, but in my final build plan, there is not much life regen (2.8%) as for general uses I get enough from my endurance charges(9%).

My previous juggernaut had around 6%, which allowed me to pretty much ignore the traps, but I assume the dmg is tougher and the traps are faster in the Uber version, so I would be needing more than this to be safe.

My other concern is the izaro fight itself, since no idea how hard he hits and supercharged merci izaro could actually kill me.
Last bumped on Jun 29, 2016, 8:59:02 PM
Trap gauntlets are not so different since they deal percentage damage, other than the addition of the totems, which can work in your favor, providing a target for Enduring Cry for keeping up charges and proccing Immortal Call. Juggernauts should be able to faceroll trap gauntlets np.
The boss hits pretty hard, I'd say around 5-6k vs no armor with the charged up attacks without any additional buffs.

Thanks for the answer.

Then probably I'm just over reacting the whole thing and it will be quite easy, gotta link that increased area to enduring cry though.

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