Call of the Brotherhood + Avatar of Fire without Pyre

I tried to google it, but all the discussions keep bringing up Pyre.

Suppose you have CotB equipped with Avatar of Fire, and you cast Arc supported by Cold to Fire.

Of the initial lightning damage:
- Avatar converts 50% to fire
- CotB converts 50% to cold, of which:
-- Avatar converts 50% to fire
-- Cold to Fire converts 50% to fire

So you still end up with 100% lightning -> fire conversion, right?

Also, increases to fire and lightning damage will apply at their full effect, but increases to cold damage will only apply at half effect, since only half of the damage goes through cold conversion, correct? And if I equipped a second CotB, that ratio would improve to 66% due to scaling?
Last bumped on May 29, 2016, 1:49:51 PM
suszterpatt wrote:
So you still end up with 100% lightning -> fire conversion, right?

Also, increases to fire and lightning damage will apply at their full effect, but increases to cold damage will only apply at half effect, since only half of the damage goes through cold conversion, correct? And if I equipped a second CotB, that ratio would improve to 66% due to scaling?

Yes, on both accounts. Most lighting-fire conversion builds use one CotB and Pyre because you save a support slot that way and another CotB isn't worth it. I went that route for my triple golem elementalist setup, but I've put the build on hold until we can do 100-100-100 conversion.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on May 29, 2016, 1:51:33 PM

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