A theorycrafted viper-flicker striker

So here's a build I'm thinking of.

I'll use a hard hitter dagger with Flicker strike-multistrike-melee splash to clear maps just holding a button. And how I'll do this is:

With %600 crit multi from abyssus+tree, little over %50 crit and Ambush will mean (I think) I'll one shot any mob from full hp to none, even with reduced splash damage. And for rares who don't die (because i think most of them will) I'll have a 4-link viper strike since the build has easy access to a lot of poison and chaos damage. Also a Vulnerability aura will do wonders with my setup of course. I'm thinking about a cwdt- ball lightning - blind for both blind and power charge thanks to the Ascendancy. And I'll probably use Bino's, so there's Adder's Touch poison prolif too.

About frenzy charges, I feel like Blood Rage will be enough since I (think) will be one shotting mobs, and many will die to poison prolif without me spending any charges. If not, I guess I'll use blood dance, I don't want to use Hatred+ice bite combo. Frenzy skill is essential of course.

As for defense, I won't take acrobatics, instead I'll use a shield with armour (I have one with 2200 armour, but I'm sure I'll find a 900 armour shield in a new league easy enough) and use Grace. And wear a lightning coil. I ran the calculations, and in the end I'll have 8k evasion and 8k-12k armour depending on the shield. With flasks they go up to 18k each. And these are on top of min %37 block chance. I think I'll be ok with phys defense. I don't want iron reflexes.

Is there something I'm missing? Am I overestimating my damage? Anything I could add? What do you think?

Last edited by sdfesdfe on May 24, 2016, 10:54:09 AM
Last bumped on May 29, 2016, 2:55:17 PM
Look alright, if you have enough damage you wont need viper strike 4L for most bosses and you will ahve enough time to swap viper & flicker in the main 6L for the very hard bosses

so a 4L will not help you.

However it has already been done before.

You probably under estimate your own poison scaling!

here is my poison 2 handed sword build, with similar skill tree...

the dps is insane and dagger abyssus achieves similar result with a more dangerous setup
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
You do have some good ideas. Never thought about shocking for example. I guess I could a vaal lightning trap around, Vinktar with Abyssus would be suicide even if it was free. But if that build works as well as you're making it out to be (which I don't see a reason it shouldn't), I'm pretty sure this one will at least hold up as well.

Though one thing I notices is that you're adding the whole poison dot to your dps, which works in 3.6 seconds and not a "second" as in dps's "damage per second", so it might be a bit misleading for some new guys. Maybe you should explicitly mention it somewhere on the build.
yeah, it means the monster's death is delayed by 3.6 seconds maximum. It's not so much, because you continue to attack and stack poison, your attack will kill the mob anyway.

However if it's total hp is low it's oneshot because of the huge damage per strike/full crit/ culling strike. So it's not a problem for clean speed.

Against dual merveil for example, we can perfectly feel that the damage is insane per number of strikes / frenzy charges used, it's the purpose of poison, it creates an extension for the frenzy charges. Even delayed it doesnt matter for flicker, we push the numbers further per frenzy charge used so we dont have to recharge constantly. Huge advantage!

But yeah, 3.6 second delayed....

Thoo keep in mind that i haven't used the assassinate and ambush nodes in my damage numbers. Culling strike is cool, 100% crit chance on low life monster is op. always crit on full is very cool too. So the crit on low life will decimate the monster very fast, the huge damage per crit triggers culling strike easily. Somehow it counters a bit of the "weakness" of poison but it creates an "overkill effect" because a lot of poison's damage stacked is not used... If we deal 16% damage per crit, culling strike triggers when the mod has 25% life.

So yes i added the full poison duration per strike, because it's what we do per strike. It's the total damage of the strike, based on the duration or not, multiplied by the attack speed.

Aka Damage per strikeS over a second. Aka dps.

take a circle that represents dps, put two points called a & b on the circle, the dps is the same between A and B than B and A. Because it doesnt count the Start nor the end.

So max dps is reached after 3.6 seconds of the first if only one hit Or the last strike.

If we calculate each stack of poison separately, per second and not per full duration, the math will explode yar head, cuz we apply a stack each 0.115 second :D

For ambush and assassinate, here is the full effect for my build, it's a quote from another post


I have 3 power charges and assassin's mark, however i dont use extra crit per power charge because of it's requirement : a lot of POWER CHARGES :P

atm with the gear setup that i use, (because i change often to test), i have 54% crit + 9% assassin's mark, so 63% in normal situations.

With assassinate and ambush nodes, the build oneshots packs at 100% crit chance on the first strike, if they arent dead the poison kills them ( because of the nature of flicker multi strike we go away, poison kills them so we dont have to come back at them) and bosses are trivialized with the 100% crit on low life + culling. So they die very when they reach 33% hp.

To not invest heavily into crit saves a lot of nodes and one or two gem slots ( power charge on crit, increased crit chance)

So i only need 50% crit chance to be "maximized" for my clear speed, and 50% crit is already one crit per two attacks! ( ok it's a bit random but still, it's the idea) With the first hit 100% crit and the full crit on monster at low life:

If my first crit removes 5% life of the target, only 60% of my attacks could be crit or not becuz at low life (35%) it will be full crit. With 63% crit chance, i have 37% to not crit for thoses remaining 60%. Therefore on the TOTAL OF THE 100% life, i will not crit with 22%.2 of my attacks. Aka it's equivalent to a 77.8% crit chance.

37/1.66667= 22.2

Bigger the first strike hit is, more effective is the additionnal crit chance!
if i remove 25% of the monster life with first hit, only 40% of my hits can be crit or not crit ;) so only 14.8% of my hits will not crit, equivalent to 85.2% crit

100/2.5= 40
37/2.5= 14.8

and it gives culling strike too, so the monsters have technically 10% "less hp"

Well, explained like this, thoses nodes give me a minimum of 15% extra crit chance and always crit on first strike = Map sweeper. (and let's stay serious, i deal way more damage than 5% per strike...)

However, bosses have reduced curse effectivness so assassin's mark grants 4% crit instead of 9%, then there is the double accuracy/evasion check against critical strike, it reduces the crit chance a lot. It's not calculated on the ingame tooltip. For thoses two reasons, i need more than 50% crit chance and high accuracy!

total chance to crit with chances to miss included = accu* acc * crit chance
total chance to crit when it hits = accu * crit chance

Against a boss, with a lot of eva, 92% chance to hit, 58 crit chance with assa' mark counted = i have 53% crit chance if it hits, the whole chance to crit including chance to miss is 0.49%!

however if it's full life/ low life it will be 91% chance to crit if it hits and 0.837 when we include the chance to miss :P Numbers seem off? I have 100% chance to crit but the cap is 95% however assassin's mark allows 4% extra so it's 99%

As you see, i dont focus too much on crit, but i need a decent base of 50% after opponent evasion! i'm barely capped! :)

I havent calculated thoses nodes in my dps numbers in the guide because they are too difficult to quantify but the benefit is REAL!
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt on May 25, 2016, 6:00:21 AM
What I meant to say was, while any PoE player that knows what he's doing could distinguish between dot and hit damage, newbies might not. Maybe you could write a note explaining what you just did. I'm all on board with that calculation since I'll be relying on it too.

And while you're here, may I ask how often you find yourself relying on assasinate? Assassin's mark requires one ring slot and disables any %50 reserve aura, and for minimal damage increase (with 600 multi, all it adds for boss killing power is %36 multi and 4 crit chance due to %60 reduced curse effect on map bosses, a ring by itself could do much better ). So power charge node seemed better to me than Assassinate.

And what you think about 8 ascendancy passives in the next patch? Will you spec into Noxious Strike node, or power charge node? I'd say both assasinate and that one would be kinda pointless, and you already have poison gem.
Last edited by sdfesdfe on May 25, 2016, 6:19:08 AM
Soz i'm late, i took small vacations.

The only valuable aura in our case is grace and we already have okeyish eva.
So we CAN trade assasin's mark for enfeeble if we wish to. Cuz enfeeble is awesome.

hatred is useless for us: no cold pene subpar damage boost compared to poison.
Haste is meh...

However assassin's mark grants 9% crit chance OVER the cap, the cap is 95 and we can reach 100 with it. it's not a "small" dps boost at all, it's huge, even with 60% effect on boss we get 99%.

the extra crit mult is the total crit mult minus 100%, with base 600% crit mult 500*1.2 it gives 100% crit mult, and 40% against boss... but the same happens for any curse and any aura ( hatred reduced by 50% against some bosses...). It's why defensive options are cool.

Keep in mind that's 10% chance to get a charge per non crit strike, it's very small for a oneshot build with slow attack speed. With ambush it will be subpar for mapping and it will rarely trigger on bosses, not fast enough to be efficient anyway.

Assassinate is just broken, i dont understand why you compare it to 10% power charge on non crit hit. It grants 100% more crit chance 1/3 of the time, plus culling strike.
Ok it shortens things and not save you, it's just extra dps
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt on May 29, 2016, 3:00:17 PM

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