[2.2]Chaos Kinetic Blast

March 26th 2016 ,started to write for my memo and friends.
Mayl 1st 2016 last updated.
This page is not build guide,but was my memo in the past.It was moved from showcase by GGG.
I had intended to write up this objectively as possible I can,including the sides of good and bad ,some idea and some solution by my experience.
I am still trial and error.Therefore this page is not perfect build.

If you have any question or advice,please whisper in game ,reply in this thread, or in twitter.
I can maybe reply them with Japanese Language or poor English.

My IGN:kongari_girl

About this build このビルドについて

kinetic blast based on chaos damage and poison. It's not related,I love Kinetic Blast,LightningStrike and Chinsol.
Relatively easy to handle and cheap.
I play as Pathfinder or Deadeye,but you can take champion or occulist.
関係ないけど私はkinetic blast,LightningStrike , Chinsolとかが大好きです。

Most important things are how to deal with poison and defence.

1,exp farming 経験値稼ぎ
I don't check exp per hours on each level,but relatively fast.I think.

1-1,DPS 火力
The numbers which Tooltips shows is not important.
If Tooltips shows 20,000, it is enough.
If Tooltips shows 40,000, it is beast.
Because KB is what KB is , and it has poison.


1-2,range 範囲
very wide range.And you can kill general mobbing so much quickly.
And also with poison,you can kill boss quickly.
About detail,please check videos.

1-3,Efficiency on MagicFinder . maps MF効率 / maps
I have never tried this build with MF gears.I tried High IIQ/IIR map.
I checked that there are few problems with High IIQ/IIR map.I could clear the maps so much fast.
if I were to say,maps with Vulnerability is a bit dangerous.
With others mod,I could clear the maps , maybe.

1-4,Defence 防御力
If you play as pathfinder,you must pay attention to Defence so much.
Because,in general,Ranged character does not have Fortify buff.

 ・Endurance Charge
 ・LightningCoil / Daresso(for physical)
 ・Flask(for physical or elemental)
 ・Saffell's Frame(for elemental)

As another solution,You can take Champion class.

2,How difficult is playing this build? 実現しやすさ
Not so much hard.Until lv69(crown of eyes),you may feel headache.
On leveling,you can take ele KB , physical KB or others skills.(I enjoyed Obliteration)
Cost on Gears is not expensive.Don't wotty.
そんなに難しくはないです。Crown of eyesを装備できるlv69まではちょっとしんどいかもしれません。
道中においてはele KB,physical KB,他のスキルを使っても問題ないです。私はObliterationで遊んでました。

2-1,How difficult to get gears?装備の入手しやすさ
 ・Core items 絶対必要
 Crown of Eyes , Add Chaos gem , any wand(Obliteration , physical/chaos wand)

 ・Maybe needed 多分必要
 (ES gain +3 jewel) * 2

 ・optional(not necessary)
 Atziri's acuity , shadow and dust

2-2,future prospect将来性
Chaos damage cant be reflected.You will not be getting annoyed by reflect.
You can get more DPS with some factors,like projectile damage,chaos damage and spell damage(by crown of eyes),therefore you can upgrade gear and jewel for relatively cheap.
crown of eyesの固有性能によりprojectile damage,chaos damage,spell damage等幅広い要素で火力をあげれますので装備とかjewelは比較的お安いです。

Core item キーアイテム

spell damage apply to attack damage.

Gears 装備

You pay attention to resist.
Because you use Crown of eyes , and you may use Lightning coil or not.
But Some jewels(with resist) will help you,don't worry so much.
Crown of eyesを装備しますし、ひょっとしたらLightningCoilを装備するかもしれないからです。

wand 武器

Obliteration is good for beginner and cheap.
For your reference,I got left one for 1c , right one for 12c.

If you will go end game,please get chaos wand.It is not expensive.(iLv83,so there are not many)
もしエンドゲームを考慮に入れる場合は、chaos wandを手に入れてください。
高くはないですがitem lvが83以上ですので多くはありません。

・what is important on wand? 武器を選ぶとき大事なことは?
AS = chaos damage > crit chance > spell damage = physical damage

・I need much more DPS!!! もっと火力がほしい
Use physical wand with spell damage,like the following.But too much expensive.
Most worst way for DPS against cost.About detail,please check this.http://i.imgur.com/270vJzo.jpg

If you use physical wand,pay attention to physical reflect.

helm ヘルム

Needless to say

For your reference,I got this for 15c.

Shield 盾

Spell damage, Life, resist

For your reference,I got this for 20c.

Chest 鎧

Lightning coil or 6L are not required
Lightning coilとか6Linkは必ずしも必要とされていない

Link Must:5L or 6L(if you use pathfinder,4L is no problem)
High Reccomend:LightningCoil(physical mitigation) / Daresso's Defiance(Endurance charge)
medium Reccomend:Rare / Belly of the Beast
If you play as champion,use as you like.

必要なリンク数:5Link もしくは6Link(ただしpathfinderに限り4Lでも可能)
強く推奨:LightningCoil(物理ダメ緩和) / Daresso's Defiance(Endurance charge)
そこそこ:レア / Belly of the Beast

Gloves 手

High Recommend:Rare with life and resist

For your reference,I got this for 20c.


If you have enough resist,it give you more DPS.

It improve INT and mana leech perfectly.Very expensive.

If you have great physical wand,it will give you much chaos and poison damage.
But the act of being contrary is to chaos KB a little.

Boots 足

As you like.お好みで

For your reference,I got this for 2divine.

amulet アミュレット

Life > crit multi=ACC=all resist>spell damage

When you search amulet for craft in poe.trade,i reccomend ,(life/acc/all resist) or (life/crit multi/all resist).I bought a lot of amulet,Much of them(with 3mods) were cheap,(around3~12chaos,average 8c)
もしクラフトするためにトレードサイトで検索するなら(life/acc/all resist) か (life/crit multi/all resist)のついたものを検索するのを勧めます。私はその条件でたくさんアミュレットを買いあさりましたが、概ね安かったです。3chaosから12chaos、平均8chaosぐらいでした。

For your reference,I got this for 5c,and craft it with add chaos for 13c , and vaal orb.
参考までにですが、私は5cで手に入れ、13cでクラフトしvaal orbいれました。

Base damage on chaos is not so much high,i reccomend craft with rare.
craft:add chaos damage(cost : 13chaos,prefix)
add chaosは13chaosのprefixです。

Ring 指輪


For your reference,I got this for 40・25cc,and craft them with add chaos for 13c .

Base damage on chaos is not so much high,i reccomend craft with rare.
craft:add chaos damage(cost : 13chaos,prefix)
add chaosは13chaosのprefixです。

Belt ベルト

For your reference,I got this for 5.

Life > resist=flask > STR

Flask フラスコ

Keeping charges will be much easier.And you can CWDT manually.

Improve crit chance very much.
For example,crit chance 40% will be 64%.
crit chance 50% will be 75%.
crit chance 60% will be 86%.

Physical damage mitigation.

I need more DPS もっと火力を。

・Most important 一番大事なこと
gem:170~256(lv20) / 190~284(lv21)
The total of the above will chaos base damage for you.
In other words,Gem level is very very important ,and lv21 Q0 gem is superior then lv20 Q20 gem.
言い換えればGemレベルはすごく大事で、lv21 Q0 gemはlv20 Q20 gemより優れています。

・important 大事
Do you know doudledip?If you dont know,please search the word.
On this build,Inc/more chaos damage,Inc/more Projectile damage,Frenzy charge,and Inc/more AOE damage corresponds to double dip.
The following factors with underline are very important on this build.(You can deal them easily with passive , gears and jewels.)
このビルドだとInc/more chaos damage,Inc/more Projectile damage,Frenzy charge,and Inc/more AOE damageがそれに該当します。

factor increasing damage of KineticBlast

Inc/more chaos damage
Inc/more Projectile damage
Increased Damage(with wand)
Inc spell damage
Frenzy charge
・Inc/more AOE damage

factor increasing poison damage of KineticBlast

Inc/more chaos damage
Inc/more Projectile damage
Frenzy charge
・Inc Damage over time
・Inc/more AOE damage

・potato ポテト
Use high damage physical wand with spell damage.


As I wrote on "I need more DPS",chaos / projectile / spell damage is important.

Increased damage and some DoubleDip

EB + jewel*2(gain ES+3)=mana sasutain,enough.

If you put this on shadow or witch area,You can take some points very efficiently.

If you have 5 corrupted gears,you can put points more efficiently.
5 corrupted ....terrible hard.

GemSetup gemの構成

Kinetic Blast

Base:KB - GMP - add chaos - pierce - poison
Base:KB - GMP - add chaos - pierce (Path finder has poison)

Gem with More chaos damage or More projectile damage will be double dip.
More chaos damageとかMore projectileと表記のあるgemはダブルディップします

Double dip.
If you dont deal herald of ice,best option.

PowerCharge on Crit
If you take power charge or wand node above witch,i reccomend.
Easy on mana cost.

Inc crit chance
not bad.

Double dip.
Hard on mana cost.

Other setusp その他構成

The following are examples.You can take them as you like.
If you like defensive play,go to Enfeeble.
If you like beast,go to assasin mark.

・Enfeeble + CWDT / Enfeeble + Blasphemy
For Defence.

・Herald of ash
Improve AOE mobing very much.About detail,check videos.

・Herald of ice - curse on hit - Assasin mark
Improve AOE mobing and power charge very much.About detail,check videos.
If you use this,dont use voidManipulation.

・ImmortalCall - IncDuration - CWDT

・barrage - CoC - Frostwall
You can make frostwall quickly.

・Frostwall - SpellTotem
Auto frostwall.

・Frostwall - CWDT
Auto frostwall.

・Wither - SpellTotem - fastercasting
DPS boosts.strong

・Frenzy - pcoc - Bladevoltex - CWDT
If you play as deadeye or you put point on aoe,recommend.Useful.
・Icespear - GMP - Pcoc - CWDT
・BladeVoltex - Pcoc - CWDT

For power charge.

passive tree スキルツリー

Suggestion of Ascendancy class サブクラス提案

・Pathfinder VS Deadeye
This simple calc show both class ' DPS.
As for deadeye's calc,it is not including Accuracy and more 30% damage(by futher).
Simply speaking,on DPS, there are not clear difference.

・IMO about Pathfinder
MS bonus and flask=useful
+Without poison gem,minimum=4L
+you can use any flask's easily and pleasantly
-need to use flask efficiently.in other words,must manage flask.
-need life leech for chaos

・IMO about Deadeye
Good Balance on attack.
+add projectile,more20% damage
+a lot of projectile damage
+a lot of accuracy
-need poison.
-need life leech for chaos
+increased radius,it can help Blasphemy,kinetic blast,herald of ash and ice.

・IMO about Occulist
Good Balance on attack.
+add 1 curse.
+near aoe node.
+easy on pcoc
+chaos explosion
-need poison.
-need life leech for chaos

・IMO about Ascendant,Berserker-Deadeye
Good Balance on attack and defence.
+add projectile,more20% damage
+need not life leech for chaos.
-increased damage taken
-projectile damage

・IMO about Champion

If you play as Deadeye,you dont need to put points on Accuracy.

I misspelled!!!!! in images.

Go the loot as you like.
left route:near>vaal pact/mana reserved/scion loot

Leveling(low level)

Leveling(med level)

Leveling(high level)

My current tree

If you are no problem on mana and you really take more DOT.

Change area D from area C.
Area C:kind for you. INT enough.
Area D:AS , more DOT.maybe you need some way for INT.

・AreaC 14point near EB,crit multi
47% increased damage with wand
39% of wand physical damage added as Lightning damage
90% crit chance
36% crit multiplier
6% increased wand damage per power charge


・AreaD 14point
54% chaos damage <-DoubleDip
12% chaos resist
75% crit chance
12% crit multiplier
15% Attack speed

5% cast speed
5% Movement speed
30 DEX
1Jewel socket

1Jewel socket

If you use physical wand or Hungry abyss

Intuitive Leap

other optional

witch life:5% all resist + 20% life , cool
add 1cuse :very nice,very far,depending on your thought

Videos 動画

coming soon

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qokrfBRpxUk4L + Obliteration(pathfinder,w/o EB)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CADg4gd4KCMNecro map without herald(pathfinder,w/o EB)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uNFKQmNT_wJungle Valley Map(Pathfinder,w/ EB)


・mana sasutain
General:Eldritch Battery + Jewel*2(gain +3 ES on hit)
Optional:Atziri's acuity

・Frenzy charge vs Power charge
In most cases,Frenzy charge is superior than power charge.
If you use atziri's acuity ,put points on power charge, or play as pathfinder,PowerCharge is also important.

・How to keep charges?
Please take the way as you like.
Nowadays,i use PCoC-Frenzy-Bladevoltex-CWDT,BloodRage,and Doedre's Elixir.

・power charge
PCoC(with KB)
Herald of ice-curse on hit-Assasin's Mark
Doedre's Elixir(getting and keeping charges more easier,and you can use CWDT by manual)

・Frenzy charge
Doedre's Elixir (getting and keeping charges more easier,and you can use CWDT by manual)

My current gears 私の装備

If you want anything,i will try and add it if possible.
just now writing .wait for ....
Last edited by neff_wp on May 7, 2016, 6:58:00 PM
Last bumped on May 12, 2016, 9:39:29 AM
Could you share a video of you running a Colosseum/Core? Also I feel like because the build is already so good at clearing packs given the nature of KB that using vaal skills and an echo frost wall with 100% pierce would be really good for solving wanders' single target issues. If you go right and drop the 7 points around VP you could path up through the life and get 100% pierce, and also drop the intuitive leap for another 7% life + damage mods jewel. Also the 5% life node missing in duelist. Don't really need the 14 life start at ranger either. Also if you path through that way you can drop a dex nodes in the ranger/duelist area. Or drop 2 dex nodes and take 1 mana node. Not sure about the 8 nodes for 20% life/a jewel either in witch. You can get 20% at written in blood for 4, also bumps up your ES pool if you go EB.

Not sure if the extra charges are worth it with intuitive leap too, or the witch life node pathing. Since they only really help you with packs - which again, don't really need help with. 100% pierce with 6 frost walls would be 36 explosions with deadeye ascendancies, as opposed to the average 12 explosions you get with 50% pierce. Also makes it more reliable if they're behind the wall too.

Why did you decide to spec out of EB? seems like it'd be nice, allowing you to reserve more mana. I suppose if you're using acuities...

Those are my thoughts for now - been looking into it a lot myself. Was considering using a CJ too, but a LC is a lot safer haha. Seems pretty annoying to run LC + CoE... To be ele weakness capped youve got to find... like 600 res, holy shit.
Thank you for your reply.
Could you share a video of you running a Colosseum/Core?

Sorry.I can't share videos and play Path of exile for 3~4weeks.
Because I am away on a business trip until June.

Also I feel like because the build is already so good at clearing packs given the nature of KB that using vaal skills and an echo frost wall with 100% pierce would be really good for solving wanders' single target issues. If you go right and drop the 7 points around VP you could path up through the life and get 100% pierce, and also drop the intuitive leap for another 7% life + damage mods jewel. Also the 5% life node missing in duelist. Don't really need the 14 life start at ranger either. Also if you path through that way you can drop a dex nodes in the ranger/duelist area. Or drop 2 dex nodes and take 1 mana node. Not sure about the 8 nodes for 20% life/a jewel either in witch. You can get 20% at written in blood for 4, also bumps up your ES pool if you go EB.

Not sure if the extra charges are worth it with intuitive leap too, or the witch life node pathing. Since they only really help you with packs - which again, don't really need help with. 100% pierce with 6 frost walls would be 36 explosions with deadeye ascendancies, as opposed to the average 12 explosions you get with 50% pierce. Also makes it more reliable if they're behind the wall too.

Your opinions are very helpful and interesting for me.When i have enough time,I'll consider it.

Why did you decide to spec out of EB? seems like it'd be nice, allowing you to reserve more mana. I suppose if you're using acuities...

As you say,EB is not needed for me(now i have acuity).
EB with acuity solve mana problem perfectly(already enough lol) , and also I can run no life / mana regen maps.
There is no deep meaning.

Those are my thoughts for now - been looking into it a lot myself. Was considering using a CJ too, but a LC is a lot safer haha. Seems pretty annoying to run LC + CoE... To be ele weakness capped youve got to find... like 600 res, holy shit.

Also I considered CJ.Maybe CJ will improve the usability of KB , Blasphemy , and herald of ash/ice.
In a sense,CJ will be best choice , ithink.

As for Ele Resistance,
Rare hand or Rare boots(If both are unique,ele resisntance will be not enough.)
Rare amulet,rings are needed
as the minimum required,i think.

Anyway,thank you very much for your reply.
Ultimately I decided to give a shot at a champion version of the build, using carcass jack tentatively just cuz I have a 6L lying around. The fortify is more flexible than coil while providing even better mitigation benefits, also allowing me to use shadows and dust + CoE relatively easily. Since I don't have acuities the ES helps with the EB too. Not sure if I want to go acro but I probably will ultimately - I don't think I need that much ES for EB.

I'm leveling as ele bow right now, will probably use a windripper til ~80 when I can reach the wand nodes then respec. This is a tentative level 88 tree for me right now, but we'll see as time goes on. May drop some of the damage nodes for more jewels if I need the mana, or maybe mana leech. I'll also have to see what my crit gets up to.

Here's my tentative tree:


To be honest it would probably be better if I used a coil haha, just to really drive home the tankiness factor. But well, softcore.. so I'll give it a shot :)

Alright it's fairly fleshed out now. Looking for a new ring to cap me for red map ele weakness. 42k in hideout, ~75k with BR + 3PC + 4FC. Managed to cap for LC while still using unique gloves which I'm happy about. My bandits are also messed up so I'm missing 40 flat life from oak.

Thing is right now I'm using an omen wand base because it had the rolls I was looking for and none of the imbueds had anything similar. (spell+chaos+crit+as+multi). Think my dps would jump a fat bit if I went from a 1.35 aps omen to a 1.65 aps imbued. Tried crafting my own, rolled malicious three times total. Two regal bricks and one rolled malicious + suffix together. If I can get any prefix that'd be great. Would multi mod with aps/crit/spell on the imbued.

In reflect maps I trade wrath for grace. Surprisingly physical reflect gives me more trouble than elemental reflect. Generally try to keep vaal grace up just so I can shoot without really caring, for good measure.

Last edited by PosteriorPounder on May 12, 2016, 4:02:38 PM

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