How to scale Viper Strike

Hello everyone, i was trying to build something with Viper Strike as a main source of damage, but i realize thet i'm not sure what is the best way to scale it. I know what is written in skill description so please don't send me to wiki page. To be fair, this is what I generally find out about it: Don't scale it with DOT or chaos, just focus on physical dmg and crit like hell, i don't know how true is this sentence becouse most of the info i found was on outdated posts and threads, but maybe i'm just not looking deep enought. So, what is your experiance with it ? Did anyone try to use Wither with it to clear faster ? Is it even possible to make it a viable clearing skill not just a single target ? Anyway i appreciate any help on the subject and try to answer every question to provide any details that you might need.
Power !!!! UNLIMITED POWER !!!!!!
Last bumped on Mar 15, 2016, 10:15:40 AM
i have never used viper strike beyond getting it in the twilight strand in normal difficulty

that being said...

crit would work well whether you are doing physical or chaos damage, since poison damage is calculated based on both

fast attack speed would also work well since you can stack an unlimited number of poison debuffs

wither would help, sure, but maybe not fast enough. seems more like a speed degen with the added bonus of extra time on DoT effects and a low level of increased damage.

if you are going crit, you could run blasphemy with assassin's mark

you could also use void manipulation if you are pure phys/chaos since there would be no detriment to that gem

rapid decay also seems good because of the MORE multiplier

if i had to take a stab at it, no pun intended, i would try viper strike, faster attacks, multistrike, void manipulation, rapid decay, and either melee physical or added chaos

unless you find a weapon with flat chaos damage on it, i would focus on high physical damage

hope any of that helped
Most people say there isn't much point trying to scale the chaos portion, since it's based on initial hit damage.

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