[2.1] FireStorm Fire to chaos conv CI Crit

So, this is my first time posting and I am by no means a pro whatsoever. I have played a summoner firestorm witch since I have started playing, I enjoy this playstyle the most out of every build I have rolled. It is super safe if you are smart and extremely effective with the new tree changes. Again, I am not sure if someone has done this EXACT build but I hope not since I was pretty hype when I finished it.

This build is aimed for:

-Newer players looking for a fun safe effective build
-Lovers of summoners!
-Those looking to tinker with fire to chaos conversion

Only two items are absolutely essential to this build,
Infernal mantle and The Consuming Dark.
These combined will convert 100% of your fire damage into NON-REFLECTABLE chaos damage. It will also Turn your chaos damage into a DoT. At level 65 it absolutely MELTS enemies. And even before firestorm is an amazing leveling skill.
Having Maligaro's virtuosity end-game is the best and for leveling facebreakers is great.

Leveling this build I suggest grabbing a +1(or+2) minion helm linked with:
Raise zombie-Minion life-Minion speed-Melee splash Why minion speed instead of added fire or LGoH? It's more important that minions get ahead and into the fray and they have incredible survivability after you get life leech on your passive tree as well as regen.

Along with our main skill Firestorm linked with:
4L-Firestorm-Added chaos damage(faster casting at lower levels)-Spell echo-Controlled destruction. This setup will carry you to ~70, it's just that good.
5L-FS-ACD-SE-Poison-Controlled destruction. Yes even as a crit build CD is still amazing.

Edit: Dont know why I didn't use Void manipulation instead of poison, honestly I'm not sure of the difference but its 130% DoT from poison or 41% more chaos/25% reduced elemental. Will have to test and find out the difference.

Leveling tree:


Leveling with this tree is quite enjoyable and easy. You'll be playing as a life/es hybrid which i believe is safest for beginners and supporting with firestorm while having a few zombie nodes.

Normal:Kill all
Cruel:Alira for 4% cast speed
Merciless:Kill all

While leveling using clarity and arctic armor gives us enough mana regen and stability to be able to spam firestorm while our zombies tank hits and distract while we are vulnerable. Purity of elements can be used in place of AA to make up for lost resists until you can do without, sadly AA isn't nearly as good as it used to be but it does it's job I suppose. Also getting two-stones and an aurumvorax paired with a kite shield should help resistances greatly. Even at 65 dual wielding aurumvorax with TCD is definitely an option. (And gives IGCC!)

Letting your zombies lead and casting from a distance will generally keep you out of trouble. Don't sit in one spot and spam if you are in a pickle, play smart and move and if an enemy is chasing you cast firestorm ahead of them so they walk into it.

Towards end-game speccing out of zombies and into CI is the best option in my opinion. Once you get enough damage you won't need them to tank anymore as enemies will melt in your radius.

End game CI spec w/o minions:


Last edited by NorthGateNoob on Jan 7, 2016, 11:44:25 PM

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