[2.1 Talisman SC] One Punch Man (Rigwald's Curse, 2x Pugilist Facebreaker Crit) - WIP

Premise: this is a WIP, build is far from finished, and I'm opening this thread to get people help me theorycraft this build.

I wanted to create a character inspired by Saitama (protagonist of One Punch Man series), who can beat any foe with a single punch. So, what better build than a facebreaker one?

But a standard facebreaker build won't do: it's good to one-punch white enemies, maybe blue ones, but it won't one-punch rares or uniques. So, how can we accomplish it? By getting a freakin' lot of damage, that's how!

With 2.1 GGG came in our help by buffing melee splash and introducing Rigwald's Curse amulet in Talisman leagues.

With this our unarmed punch gets 7% base crit chance and we can benefit from claw nodes! Add Abyssus, Meginord, 2x Pugilist jeweles, plus various buffs to the formula, and you'll get a huge single-blow damage (at least when you crit).

So... we want to get the highest single-blow possible, not caring much for attack speed. I choose Infernal Blow as main skill, since melee splash and corpse exploding skills were buffed in 2.1, and also because I like it very much.


Actual Tree (with Jewels)

Ideal Final Tree

Main Attack: Infernal Blow > Melee Splash > Melee Physical Damage > Added Fire Damage > Fortify (5L) > Life Leech / Elemental Proliferation / Increased AOE / etc... (6L)
Secondary Attack: Cyclone > Inc AOE > Endurance Charge on Melee Stun > Faster Attacks (we use this to get endurance charges for the Immortal Calls, becomes main attack against elemental reflect) +
CWDT setup: Immortal Call + Inc Duration
Auras: Arctic Armour, Herald of Ash, Blasphemy + Assassin's Mark
Utilities: Blood Rage + Rallying Cry + Inc Duration, Summon Flame Golem

We use Blood Rage to gain frenzy charges, Blasphemy (Assassin's Mark) to gain power charges.

To resist physical reflect damage we wait to proc a full-charged Immortal Call and then we blow the enemy.


I'm now level 77 and it works kinda fine (damage is Huge: more than 100K on tooltip full-buffed, when you crit you even one-shot many bosses), but it's heavily flask-dependant (need to drink granite and life often).

How can I get it to work better?

Major Issues so far
1. It's difficult to get max resistances (almost managed).
2. Crit: not so high. I get about 46% crit chance on full charge.
3. Accuracy: I have 86% hit chance at lvl 77 (a little too low to crit, or even hit).
4. Medium-low maximum life: I have about 3750 at lvl 77.
5. Low defences: about 22% phys res, 12% evasion, 28% block (still have to get many block nodes and a decent shield).

Should I give up frenzy charges and regen, and go for Vaal Pact?
Do I really need life leech nodes?

I feel like there is something missing...
Last edited by kaisersoze80 on Dec 29, 2015, 4:21:13 AM
Bump. Changed many aspects and some gear. It now works better.
Hi, I've been playing with a build with a similar base idea as yours (rigwalds curse + multiple pugilists), but we went about it in different ways. I'm running far more defensive mechanics at the cost of damage (atm I'm on a 5l with ~83k dps but I have 59% block which will be 63 when my build is complete, and I should have 167% max life when I'm finished). You will have considerably more damage than me.

A few things to keep in mind that I've noticed:
1) Rigwald's Curse only affects claw to unarmed for 3 things: physical damage, crit chance, attack speed. This means that it does nothing for accuracy with claws, leech with claws, crit multi with claws, steal charges with claws, etc.

2) You need % accuracy. Fortunately, accuracy nodes are in good pugilist spots and come with dexterity. I recommend the Acuity cluster even though in most builds it's an automatic avoid.

3) Weapon elemental damage (from one of your rings) wont do anything with facebreakers because they aren't weapons.

4) Similarly, nodes like the one by ranger that gives damage with one handed physical weapons does nothing because you aren't wielding a weapon.

Current tree:

Finished Tree:
Last edited by SmashingDungeons on Jan 5, 2016, 2:02:34 PM
Interesting, I guess that starting as Scion gives you a lot of help in maxing out all res.

Of course I knew about WED, I had it on my ring just for case.

BTW can you post your gear?
My items are nothing really special. I have noticed that in your items you have a lot more life than I do where focused on damage. This character is in the high 80's now so my dps with this current gear is 94k.

Last edited by SmashingDungeons on Jan 5, 2016, 2:04:30 PM
My items are nothing really special. I have noticed that in your items you have a lot more life than I do where focused on damage. This character is in the high 80's now so my dps with this current gear is 94k.

why choose Alira??? take duration? but you didn't use Power Charge On Critical..so where come from the power change
kaisersoze80 wrote:
Premise: this is a WIP, build is far from finished, and I'm opening this thread to get people help me theorycraft this build.

I wanted to create a character inspired by Saitama (protagonist of One Punch Man series), who can beat any foe with a single punch. So, what better build than a facebreaker one?

But a standard facebreaker build won't do: it's good to one-punch white enemies, maybe blue ones, but it won't one-punch rares or uniques. So, how can we accomplish it? By getting a freakin' lot of damage, that's how!

With 2.1 GGG came in our help by buffing melee splash and introducing Rigwald's Curse amulet in Talisman leagues.

With this our unarmed punch gets 7% base crit chance and we can benefit from claw nodes! Add Abyssus, Meginord, 2x Pugilist jeweles, plus various buffs to the formula, and you'll get a huge single-blow damage (at least when you crit).

So... we want to get the highest single-blow possible, not caring much for attack speed. I choose Infernal Blow as main skill, since melee splash and corpse exploding skills were buffed in 2.1, and also because I like it very much.


Actual Tree (with Jewels)

Ideal Final Tree

Main Attack: Infernal Blow > Melee Splash > Melee Physical Damage > Added Fire Damage > Fortify (5L) > Life Leech / Elemental Proliferation / Increased AOE / etc... (6L)
Secondary Attack: Cyclone > Inc AOE > Endurance Charge on Melee Stun > Faster Attacks (we use this to get endurance charges for the Immortal Calls, becomes main attack against elemental reflect) +
CWDT setup: Immortal Call + Inc Duration
Auras: Arctic Armour, Herald of Ash, Blasphemy + Assassin's Mark
Utilities: Blood Rage + Rallying Cry + Inc Duration, Summon Flame Golem

We use Blood Rage to gain frenzy charges, Blasphemy (Assassin's Mark) to gain power charges.

To resist physical reflect damage we wait to proc a full-charged Immortal Call and then we blow the enemy.


I'm now level 77 and it works kinda fine (damage is Huge: more than 100K on tooltip full-buffed, when you crit you even one-shot many bosses), but it's heavily flask-dependant (need to drink granite and life often).

How can I get it to work better?

Major Issues so far
1. It's difficult to get max resistances (almost managed).
2. Crit: not so high. I get about 46% crit chance on full charge.
3. Accuracy: I have 86% hit chance at lvl 77 (a little too low to crit, or even hit).
4. Medium-low maximum life: I have about 3750 at lvl 77.
5. Low defences: about 22% phys res, 12% evasion, 28% block (still have to get many block nodes and a decent shield).

Should I give up frenzy charges and regen, and go for Vaal Pact?
Do I really need life leech nodes?

I feel like there is something missing...

why choose Alira??? take duration? but you didn't use Power Charge On Critical..so where come from the power change
[deleted because I done doofed it up]
Last edited by Wee_Mad_Hamish on Jan 27, 2016, 11:29:12 AM
I recommend having a assassin's mark and blasphemy setup just for the power charge on kill. This should increase your crit chance and dps

EDIT: I just realized you do on your boots
Last edited by gramu on Feb 6, 2016, 10:25:09 PM

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