2.0.5b Hotfix (3:30pm November 16, NZ Time)

fun detected!
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Path Of Exile: if there is fun, we delete it, as always, GG
soulthirst reeeeeeppp
WTB Soulthirst in DS - 1GCP :(
The belt itself is good but it need to be buffed a little bit, maybe by taking away the -% flask effect duration.
With Satured Sanctified mana flask you gain like 20 seconds to take souls from soul eater, you can arrive to 50 or something souls with a very fast build, wich are VERY good.
It is an interesting item, maybe a build enabler, who knows; sure the bug that was before was funny :D.
it is like a nerfed Headhunter. If this unique was made to give another solution for those who wanted to try Headhunter but never had the opportunity then buff a little bit the belt, maybe instead of -% could be +% flask effect duration; it could be a little bit op, but hey, its Soulthirst :D
instance crash, lost half of a tier 9 map with 165 iiq and packsize
Any help with this never had an issue b4

Last edited by lLikeslashn on Nov 17, 2015, 8:35:47 AM
lLikeslashn wrote:
Any help with this never had an issue b4

I Get this every single patch since 1.3.something
Delete whichever file the error says and try again. If it doesn't work, manually download the file and replace inside poe directory.
After all this you might still get an error on PathOfExile.exe
Rename it to something else (e.g. PathOfExile2.exe) and rename PathOfExile.tmp to PathOfExile.exe

Problem is the patch process messes with file ownership. Reinstalled from scratch twice, no luck. gg
Last edited by lepre84 on Nov 17, 2015, 1:59:27 PM

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