Multiple accounts for Stash space?

Hey there.

So, being a poor fulltime student pleb with a currency so shit that instead of 6 normal stash tabs I could buy myself a week's worth supply of food IRL, I was wondering - could I make additional accounts which would be used for hoarding items/currency?

Will most likely seem like a half-assed, too-much-hassle kind of a solution for those of you with jobs and normal currencies such as €/$/GBP but well, you do what you can, eh? Desperate times desperate measures :D

I'm wondering if it's not against any kind of rules or such, so that I don't get banned for that.
It is a completely valid way of playing the game.
Remember you can only trade things back if the new account has a toon reached level 25.
Not every problem in the world belongs to you alone, let others have their share.
Hey there! Just to clarify, you are allowed to have multiple accounts, however you are only permitted to run two Path of Exile clients simultaneously on one computer. You can check out Chris' reddit post about this here.
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Remember you can only trade things back if the new account has a toon reached level 25.

I thought that was only true for currency and uniques. I thought any level 2 character could trade everything else.
Correct. You can trade rares and under without having a lev 25 on the account. For currency and uniques you need to have a lev 25 on the mule account.

Note: There is a hard cap on accounts by IP address. I should know, I hit it at one point before I could afford stash tabs.
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Last edited by Aragorn14 on Oct 5, 2015, 8:55:27 PM

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