[2.0] Pledginat0r Tank - 0-Mana MoM/Acrobatics/6EC

I had an RF IR incinerator. It lacked some tankyness and uniqueness, so I created the Pledginat0r.

It uses Pledge of Hands and MoM. Special thing is the 0 mana incinerate (with elreon jewelry), which allows all the mana regen to go for defense. Just 7 mana incinerate with 15 casts/s would use 105 mana/s! Additionally, I use CWDT level 1 to distribute Warlords mark, which gives LIFE LEECH, MANA LEECH AND Endurance Charges (6 charges, woot)! Everything we need really. Additionally, I have another 5l/6l which allows ball lightning and/or firestorm with blind. All this together makes the Pledginat0r pretty tanky.

Basic concept
- Pledge of Hands (100% increased mana and lvl 30 spell echo!)
- MoM
- Acrobatics + Spell Acrobatics
- 0 Mana cost of Incinerate

- Like 12k Incinerate DPS. Enough to solo play.

- MoM with 1,7k mana atm
- 6 Endurance Charges
- >5k HP (atm 5.3k - level 90 like 5.8k)
- Acrobatics and Spell Acrobatics
- CWDT1 + Ball lightning + GMP + Blind + Warlords mark

How to get mana
- 0 Mana incinerate - 100% of mana regen is for defense
- Rallying cry + increased duration
- CWDT level 1 and warlords mark (leech HP AND Mana at the same time!)
- Mana insta-pot

- Incinerate - Iron Will - Faster Casting - LMP - Faster Projectiles - Fire Penetration
- Enduring Cry - Rallying Cry - Increased Duration
- Whatever else suits your needs

Current tree (level 81)

Planned tree (level 90, with LC)


Variant 1: Default (Rare Chest)
Rare chest gives lots of resists and HP.

Use Chaos golem for additional physical mitigation.

40% block 46% spell block with atziris steps.

The additional 6L can be used for some CWDT shenanigans. I use:
- CWDT1 - GMP - Ball Lightning - Blind - Warlords Mark - Life on Hit

Next steps in tree:
- More Fire damage
- More mana
- More mana regen


Variant 2: With Legacy Lightning Coil
As we already have a 6L staff, it is possible to use all kinds of chests. I bought a legacy LC for 2 ex, 6S with master. Give some fusings from time to time.
Current 4L setup:
- CWDT1 - Warlords Mark - Firestorm - Blind

Needs purity of lightning, which reserves 35% mana. Available MoM mana goes down from ~1700 to ~1100, but survivability is much better.

Use flame golem for additonal DPS.
Use Inertia Jewel http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Inertia right of scion start to convert useless dex to strength (gives DPS and HP). Luckily the amulet and boots allow this.

A bit hard to gear for (e.g. cap the resistances), and not as much HP as i thought (wanted to have >6k). Still, pretty much unkillable. Its getting boring.


Variant 3: CWDT Autocurser (Scold's Bridle)
This is not yet tested.
Main unique: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Scold%27s_Bridle

- Remove Elreon Amulet -> 7 Mana cost of incinerate
- Equip Scold's Bridle
- -> autocast CWDT level 1 with Ball Lightning and Curse on hit
- Autocurser! Win!

Variant 4: DPS 8-Link (Repentance)
This is not yet tested.
Edit: Unique not yet in game, wtf? :-(

Use Fertile Mind jewel right of scion start to convert useless dex to intelligence. This makes it possible to equip repetance.

Main unique: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Repentance
Plus: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Fertile_Mind
- Put Repetance gloves
- Swap iron will in pledge with Empower (same color, yay!)
- More DPS! Win!

Alternative Chests

All chests with HP. In order of awesomeness for this build:

- Kaom's heart: A lot more HP
- Atziri's Splendor: HP and Mana on kill? Yes please! http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Atziri%27s_Splendour

- Belly of the beast: A bit more HP
- King's Guard: HP and Mana? Not bad http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kingsguard
- The restless ward: Life regen and endurance charge duration? I like http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Restless_Ward

Facebreaker Ice Crash till level 68
Last edited by siliconlife on Sep 14, 2015, 5:37:33 AM

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