Suggestions from new player to other new players

1. I've heard from veterans to have sets of rings for specific elemental situations. For some reason it never sunk in. Definitely do this. I was getting my ass handed to me by a rogue exile (Tinevin Highdove I think) who was using Lightning Warp and Spark. It finally dawned on me to get some lightning resistance. I had been using the best magic find gear I had and my resistances were pathetic. I portaled out, put on some rings with lightning resistance, grabbed a topaz flask and destroyed him.

2. Read all of the monster/area mods and know what they do before you engage, even if you have to run away and look it up. I sort of noted something like Aborax kind of (Spawn of Abaxoth),_The_End_of_All_That_Is when the guy in the link came and spanked me. Could have definitely used some fire resist on that one. Heralds of the Obelisk, Order of the Frozen Sky, Corrupting Bloodline, etc...These will kill you or get you in serious trouble if you don't know what they are before you start attacking them ( ).

Just a couple of thoughts I should have payed attention to earlier on.

I'll take "Swords" for two hundred Alex.
-Faux Sean Connery
thanks man, that is good to know:)
Honestly best advice I can offer to a new player is to keep up with your flask upgrades as you level and try to keep your resistances above 30-40% for each respective elemental resist. Chaos resistance is different - keeping it close to 0% is fine. For life I like to follow the 1k-3k rule. 1k minimum life before you move onto Cruel. 3k minimum life before you move onto merciless. Anything less and you're leaving yourself open to be one shot by quite a few sources of damage.

Follow those rules and nothing should really deal so much damage to you that you have no time to react to it until you start to hit late stages of merciless and mapping.

When making your passive tree, focus on getting nodes that increase your life (and/or energy shield) as often as possible. You shouldn't be going way out of your way to pick up cool damage stats until you've hit your baselines for surviving or you'll hit a brick wall where you can't really progress anymore without corpse hopping, and corpse hopping at merciless prevents you from getting experience to level up :]
Every Saturday = National Booze n Poe Day
Nasreth wrote:
Honestly best advice I can offer to a new player is to keep up with your flask upgrades as you level and try to keep your resistances above 30-40% for each respective elemental resist. Chaos resistance is different - keeping it close to 0% is fine. For life I like to follow the 1k-3k rule. 1k minimum life before you move onto Cruel. 3k minimum life before you move onto merciless. Anything less and you're leaving yourself open to be one shot by quite a few sources of damage.

Follow those rules and nothing should really deal so much damage to you that you have no time to react to it until you start to hit late stages of merciless and mapping.

When making your passive tree, focus on getting nodes that increase your life (and/or energy shield) as often as possible. You shouldn't be going way out of your way to pick up cool damage stats until you've hit your baselines for surviving or you'll hit a brick wall where you can't really progress anymore without corpse hopping, and corpse hopping at merciless prevents you from getting experience to level up :]

This is really great advice. Thanks for contributing!


*Edited because spell check won't flag using the wrong word.
I'll take "Swords" for two hundred Alex.
-Faux Sean Connery
Last edited by Lightning_Wolf on Sep 2, 2015, 2:08:16 PM

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