Explosive Arrow build - How to deal with Fire/Elemental reflect?

Explosive Arrow build - How to deal with Fire/Elemental reflect?
Hi guys I'm new and currently playing EA build on Tempest league. I'm now level 60...
How should I deal with reflection late game? Thanks for the help :D
Off the top of my head I'd say:

Overcapped fire resistance (tree, aura).
Smart Ruby flasking.
Sybil's Lament (I believe that's what it's called. It's a ring that reduces reflected ele damage)

There are probably other ways that I can't think of.
Flame Totem. I use it as supplemental single target DPS, too. Also serves as a decoy in sometimes.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

Also use ice wall to avoid offscreening.
Pop ruby flask, take the 1% increased fire res node, and or run purity of fire, only other thing i could think of is of hand poison arrow. Dunno much about your build but my poison arrow can off hand ea quite well since its dmg is projectile nodes and dot.
In ages past, this was overcome by offloading most of the damage onto proliferated burns, which don't reflect. So instead of overlapping AoEs with GMP, you do something more like:

20q EA
Fire Pen
Chance to Ignite
Burning Damge if you've got a 6-link

Then just 1-2 fuse everything. They'll melt to nothingness, you only have to worry about reflecting the initial explosion, which is considerably less damage than going for overlapping AoEs.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
I don't know much about Explosive Arrow

Could that damage be dodged or evaded?
I need a signature to look legit

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