Looking for suggestions on my Loot Filter

I just made a new Loot Filter to use in 2.0, can you guys check it out and see if it's alright?

If there are any errors/mistakes or if I should change anything?

The filter is pretty simple:


I'm in an abusive relationship with life. It keeps beating the hell out of me and I'm too cowardly to leave it.

IGN • NCPereira
STEAM • steamcommunity.com/id/NCPereira
This is strictly a personal preference, but I feel like whenever you define a rare for the chaos/regal recipe, it's hardly useful to highlight ALL rare items. Reason being: once you're in a level 60 zone, every single rare item will get highlighted in the same way. It gets fatiguing very quickly. I would suggest only highlighting jewelry.
A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter:

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