How to survive endgame as 2H melee and rock - Staff Ice Crash breakdown

What i want:

Tanky 2h ice crash freezer. So therefore using a staff for the critz. Taking hegemonys staff because it rocks. But how to do the tanky part? My notes here.


Removed "Cast when stunned" setup, because it nearly never triggered. Replaced it with tanky golem (3x minion support gems). Added another endurance charge for the total of 7. Still need to decide which of the 3 golems i take. Made a shortcut in the tree for some more DPS. Got staunching on my lightning resist flask.


Changed carcass jack to a normal chest with lots of resistances. This allowed me to take Maligaros virtuosity for additional crit chance. For the lulz, i took one with temporal chains on hit, which greatly increases the freeze potential. Can freeze even bosses. Can basically do any map and any boss. Also using vaal grace on cast when stunned. Using glacial hammer now as boss killer. Having bloodrage increases DPS massively because of the attack speed (and a bit because of the MORE phys damage). Enough DPS to use increased AOE (which also gives a bit more DPS because the inner damage circle is bigger). 61% FLAT physical damage reduction (withour armour) rocks, it seems elemental damage is no big concern right now. Also got 0% chaos resistance, a really underrated stat.
Can do maps like this no problemo:


Blabla much DPSz with 100 buffs and flasks and auras of party blabla.


I'm poor because i bought the hegemonys, so no gear with lots of armour or evasion for me. I just take the gear which has the right sockets, colors and resists (+life).

With new chest, new belt (2chaos), maligaro gloves with temporal chains on hit (4 ex).

For more crit, i had to take 2x jewel slots. Now at 85% chance to crit with power charges.

12% melee crit chance
9% melee crit multiplier
10% inc crit multiplier with cold
0.22% leech

13% melee crit chance
17% crit chance with cold
9% melee crit multiplier
6% maximum life

Gear (old):

Defense - General

* Temporal chains curse for bosses
* 0.2% phys leech (on gear)
* 5,2k HP
* Chance to freeze from ice crash 85% crit
* Knockback on crit
* Temporal chains on hit
* Around 0% chaos resist (and not -60) - yay

Defense - Physical

* -20% phys

AArctic Armour:
* -13% phys

Endurance charges:
* 28% phys reduction (7*4%)
* generated by:
** endurance charge on knockback/crit with staff
** manual cast of enduring cry
*** also gives life regen if in trouble

Chaos golem:
* 4% phys reduction

* 18%

* Rumis Concoction: 24% block + armour

* about 20%

* Yes, some

Defense - Elemental

* 20% Fortify
* 11% spellblock: Rumis Concoction flask

* Topaz Flask
** with remove bleeding

* +1 to fire resist
* -12% fire from arctic armour

* none. I AM COLD

Offense - General

* Bloodrage ofc
* 85% to crit with 5 power charges
* legacy amu with 60% crit multi

Offense - Mob Killer: 6L Ice crash

Optimized to do a lot of cold damage and a lot of crits to freeze everything. Even bosses are frozen (unrealiably though).

* Ice Crash
* melee pysical
* weapon elemental damage
* increased critical strike
* increased aoe
* cold penetration

Offense Boss Killer: 5L Glacial Hammer

Ice Crash takes too much mana for single targets, and has not enough leech. I use a dedicated boss killer to farm bosses.

* Glacial hammer
* Melee physical
* Increased critical strike
* Life leech
* Faster attacks


Jump into pack with leap-slam. As it is linked with Fortify, Maurauder is buffed and can one/two-shot the pack. Increased AOE gem makes Ice Crash usable to kill most of the screen. When too many projectiles and life low, activate Rumis Concoction. When in trouble, usually cast when stunned with immortal call and/or molten shell and/or vaal grace kicks in.

For bosses, Leap-Slam into his face from time to time. Use the boss killer. This has the advantages of an enough low mana requirement, and also a 20% quality LL in it. The 20% quality on the LL gem makes it possible to LL through much of the damage. Activate Atziris Promise if not on on 100% health (more damage and LL). Activate all other flasks in rapid succession while swearing a lot because of hard bosses.

Open Questions concerning the last 3-4 nodes

* 3x: Take unyielding for less crit damage takes + armour
* 3x: combat stamine for 2% life regen ?
* 3x: up block chance from 18 to 28%? (block 1in5 or 1in3 hits..)
* 3x: 30 phys damage and 6% more block
* 4x: life
* 4x: life

Death reasons

Just these:

* Thornflesh affix:
** if more than one enemy has it, bye bye...

* 74 Torture chamber boss:
** That damn lazor... dot
** kiting ftw
** useful nodes: life

* 75 Orchard map boss:
** sometime immensive damage
** need to kite correctly, or burst him down
** useful nodes: more phys reduction, maybe block

* 76 Residence map boss:
** need manage lightning resist flask accordingly (-> surgeon!)
** useful nodes: life (spell block)



Last edited by siliconlife on Jul 24, 2015, 2:57:27 PM
useless pump (update1)
I recommend replacing cold pen with hypothermia, if you're playing in parties. You should also use it as a possible 6th link for glacial hammer.

If I were running this build I would probably use a kaom's heart and abyssus. Just my thoughts.
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
Etherfire wrote:
I recommend replacing cold pen with hypothermia, if you're playing in parties. You should also use it as a possible 6th link for glacial hammer.

If I were running this build I would probably use a kaom's heart and abyssus. Just my thoughts.

Thanks for the feedback.

Hypothermia is definetly good for tooltip DPS, dont know if its better than cold penetration. Cold pen almost doubles the effectiv damage on resist capped enemies. I will play with it though :-)

Imho cold pen is almost always more favourable than hypothermia.

Sadly, no 6L for glacial hammer. But i'm also thinking of replacing added fire with either cold pen or hypothermia.

I'm sitting at 5.2k HP, which seems enough right now. I'd rather have another 5L for single target than 6k HP. Sadly i neither have a kaom's, nor a 6L staff, so i cant try it ;-) Abyssus adds a shitton of DPS, but i'd rather not take additional phys damage. 2H already have so few defense options (nearly no block, no dodge, little evasion, little armour, no spellblock, no spelldodge, no MOM) that i dont swap DPS for defense.
Last edited by siliconlife on Jul 21, 2015, 3:52:24 AM

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