Thought's, a new buff for CI

I have been thinking about this a bit and i honestly think that with the removal of blood rage from CI builds, GGG should have provided them with a new toy to compensate that is not related to frenzy charges.
(as frenzy charges got hugeeely buffed, i could see the reasoning with wanting to take it away from CI as it was "sort of" free for them)

So this is the result of that thinkering effort.

"diamond armor"

mana cost : 0

base duration : 12 seconds (replenish on kill)

Maximum stack count : 15 (quality adds another 5 stacks)

Ability :

For every enemy slain the character gains a diamond armor stack, per diamond armor stack the character gains the following atributes

3% faster energy shield recharge (max of 60% with 20 stacks)
2% status ailment immunity/stun

I am actually inclined to not put any offensive attributes on this buff. But if it needed one i would suggest this

25% to reflect damage back to the attacker(you still take the damage though), this ability cannot be reflected back to the player (to prevent endless reflect loops)

Negative property of the skill :

Skills deal 50% of mana cost as chaos damage to the player

This would allow hybrids to utilize it in combat, they would take damage during combat, but in return get a faster energy shield charge rate and ailment immunity in return.

I think this could potentially be sweet for CI to improve the current model of CI (which seems aimed at the recharge delay mechanic?), it would create a situation where big packs provide an exponential decrease in ES recovery time while single strong targets still require time and dedicated kiting.

Feel free to comment.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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I think this is an amazing idea. +1

If I was allowed to change 1 thing to it. I would change the bonus to recharge speed in to a bonus to es regenerate. Very low %. Maybe you get like 1/2/3% with the 20 stacks or something.

This would give people a little taste of what you can actually get when you actually go for the ZO and regen nodes. But, it wouldn't be so much that they could go without it. It would also help people out more in combat, but not too much. It would also help with the faster nature of the new boss fight.

Also, since the penalty is chaos damage - which goes to health; people would not be able to abuse the ability.

EDIT: I forgot about Shav's. But, still don't think this would be enough to abuse the ability.

Anyways, awesome suggestion Boem.
Last edited by Finkelman on Jul 15, 2015, 1:37:15 PM
Finkelman wrote:

If I was allowed to change 1 thing to it. I would change the bonus to recharge speed in to a bonus to es regenerate. Very low %. Maybe you get like 1/2/3% with the 20 stacks or something.

The idea is to uphold the current state of CI, which seems to be heavily focused on going in and out of combat when needed to recharge ES.

This buff would only speed up this natural process to allow more "combat flow" for CI users.

It functions as a QoL buff for CI users, but when dedicated around it (like taking the diamond skin cluster) it should in theory be possible to get a very high % ailments avoidance. Though not cheap, that cluster and travel is quite a lot of points sacrificed.(so i consider that balanced, a hefty cost for a solid benefit)

So putting a ZO like regen on it that is active during combat is a no-go for me. All it should do is allow CI characters to quickly retreat out of combat and get back into combat more quickly, which is currently already speed up but could utilize even more game mechanics revolving around it.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
To Die Is Not An Option, To Fight Until DIESync Is The Only Answer. ☺☻☺

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