High Life, Low block, Full reflect build idea?

So I'm confused with the whole reflecting damage to attackers. When reflecting damage to a projectile or spell, does it matter if I'm using shavs, veil of the night or Anvil? I believe Tempest Shield reflects damage to all attackers from melee to projectiles and spells, but correct me if im wrong. Reason be, Im thinking of creating a High Life, 50/50 Block, full reflect Marauder, but im confused on what I should get that involves reflecting damage. Main Gems ill be using are CWDT: Molten Shell, tempest shield (for when i do block). The Idea is to sit in a pack, reflecting damage, procing molten shell, while having high Life regen.

Gear is another thing. Ideas of gear are Anvil, Shavs, and a shield i have no clue on what to use. Mod a sash with reflect damage, boots and other gear with life and life regen along with ele res. If there are any ideas on what to use please let me know im interested in what the possible items i can use.

Support gems i would link to molten and tempest are added fire, fire pen, add lightning, and lightning pen.
also use vitality with reduced mana and Purity of Elements.

Besides all that, thats the idea. Please, throw down your opinions, I'd like to see if there is anyway to improve this.

Also, Im not getting any kind of Elemental or spell damage nodes, but i read it increases molten shell and tempest shields damage output so i may add that to the list. I dont plan on really using a weapon for my base damage.
Tried before. Pure defense build does not work in this game. You always need to have some kind of offense to kill certain monsters before they can kill you.
Oh, I've seen a video on this subject.
Gillsing wrote:
Oh, I've seen a video on this subject.

Right, reflect (as in punishment curse or bramblejack) doesn't really work in PoE, enemies do too little damage relative to their huge life pools to do anything significant. That's why they reworked Punishment to do something completely different in beta.

Amounts of reflected damage on gear are too small to do anything significant too so you shouldn't seriously consider it even as an addon. Also, the biggest obstacle is they work only versus melee attacks which leaves a lot of enemies unaffected.

However, a blocker can work after a fashion. Hits are blocked according to their primary damage type and hits in PoE are usually an attack or a spell so they can be blocked or spell blocked. The exception being secondary damage hits (corpse explosions for example) and damage over time which doesn't hit at all.

If you max block, spell block and use all three counter skills you can do a pretty decent amount of damage versus most enemies. Anvil and thousand teeth temu probably aren't something you should use at any cost because they make maxing spell block very tricky. If you want to use molten shell and tempest shield too, you would probably do best to spec in ele damage and use doryani's catalyst because dual investment in attacks and spells might prove tricky otherwise. New ele auras will help too as they also work on spells.

It probably won't end up overly powerful but should be fun to try it.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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