Hows my Tree?

Hey all,

So i know that the tree is changing but i'm still new to the game,

this was a tree i just made,

My goal was just to just have a high damage, Axe wielding Marauder.

61% increased Physical Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapon
136% increased Melee Physical Damage
12% increased Physical Damage
255% increased Physical Damage with Axes

So i feel like damage is taken care of...but with only

154% increased maximum Life
56+ to maximum Life

will that be enough to see me not have to worry about death?

Im not sure of the phys skill im going with yet, but i'll run blood magic, with leech on my rings, amulet and glove's i'll do this so i can run auras on my mana

I'm thinking Hatred, Herald of Ash and either determination or haste, but i think i may have over invested into the reduce mana reservation on thre but i'm not sure, with a lv20 reduced mana it'll be 101% for 3 auras.

is there a reasonable way to run all 4 with out changing the entire build?

and what have i missed?

Cheers all

No no no no no.

This tree is wrong on several levels.

First of all, your build needs to have a focus. So you cannot have the best of all worlds. You took the aura bonus nodes in the templar area when your build is not focused on auras. Drop them.

You starting path for marauder dps is inefficient. Instead of going through the blade and axe circle you could go through the meelee physical damage circle near your marauder starting point. These nodes give you much more dps when you divide by number of nodes wasted.

Why the hell did you not take resolute technique? You are not playing critical anyway. Your hits will hit probably only half of the time. You need it.

Your starting path for marauder is wrong. Instead of taking the damage path, you should take the life path. This game is all about life, life, life and life. Your dps is more or less the same not matter how many damage nodes you take. However every bit of life means whether you survive or not.

Do not take the splitting axes circle as well. It is too weak. Instead take the circle at the bottom of the duelist area.

Lastly, you do not have a viable form of physical defense. Are you going for armor or endurance charge? I cannot even tell. I suggest you go for endurance charges since you are new.
I fixed your skilltree here. Please ask me in private message if you have ny more questions.

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