[1.3] budget HC viable lightning strike
Hello and welcome my friend,
Been wanting to try out a couple of different things for the past couple of weeks, block build non crit build meleeish build Lightning strike build I've also wanted to play some HC again ( last time i played HC was beyond league ) so this 1MHC flashback league was perfect for me to try some things out, so i decided to kinda try them all out at once and this is what i came up with, Current skilltree https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgIAr-vtgwgum43TfgBeGY7-un11xKK742HiJpUWvw-rUzWbtRmKLYOXBow2VUuXl_v1tDjlGRqP9tr7CUV8PeJI7niuG62kOdCBR-Ii4hUgLOmvp_aj73riLAkz0TbYvTWStfJuqkrIPycqTU3j_o_GnhB_DH2Cx_noQYe3Pv4KfNn3MnKpxPY8LcauV-J35Xy7JIs9D4Kb7SDhc6IAkFUnL-w4sULzEXGFwBoaOEbXVylV1mTnFy_60maegKTjahZv8wb7qgY5UWA= Lvl 96 skilltree https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgIAr-vtgwgum43TfgBeGY7-un11xKK742HiJpUWvw-rUzWbtRmKLYOXBow2VUuXl_v1tDjlGRqP9tr7CUV8PeJI7niuG62kOdCBR-Ii4hUgLOmvp_aj73riLAkz0TbYvTWStfJuqkrIPycqTU3j_o_GnhB_DH2Cx_noQYe3Pv4KfNn3MnKpxPY8LcauV-J35Xy7JIs9D4Kb7SDhc6IAkFUnL-w4sULzEXGFwBoaOEbXVylV1mTnFy_60maegKTjahZv8wb7qgY5UWAksEKj_lQNzStQHM5o8vAfBLM64aZX8kU= Bandits Normal: Oak Cruel: Kraityn Merciless: Skillpoint ( ofc you can pick whatever u want if u want to modify and make your own version of this ) Pros pretty tanky quite fun to play have no issues with reflect HC viable doesnt cost 2000 exalt to build and is not relying on super expensive uniques cons indoor maps is a pain single target dps is not that great might not be the best to level as clear speed Auras Grace Herald of ice Herald of thunder Tempest shield 40% manacost aura of your choice ( mine currently is purity of elements but later is going to switch to purity of lightning ) my current stats Defensive ( with just auras ) http://gyazo.com/58d596003c2cde9798912f2d7fcf95da Defensive ( with pots ) http://gyazo.com/3e05d58e94a5adfdbf81e908cf54de21 Offensive http://gyazo.com/9601fa0967c57dad521b2bfe582b5e47 my current gear
"omg lightning coil you said it was budget build" sure i said it was a budget build but lightning coil is not required, here are my old gear pieces ( the ones i still have )
Aswell as a GOLDRIM, i was rocking with this gear up and a 4link until mid 70s As you can see theres quite some room for improvements all though i am thinking about trying to get some more block + spellblocks stone of lazhwar corrupted with 2-4% block Rathpith Globe Question: what should i aim on my gear pieces? Answer: weapon: high attackspeed and lots of ele damage, chest/helm/boots/shield: try to get high life decent ev and some resist, belt: high life and weapon elemental damage ( if your other gear pieces allow you to skip resist ) if not get more resist Boots: life resist, movespeed if you dont have a mobility spell, if you do you can skip ms and go for better defensive stats for a cheap buck :) Gloves: here you should try to get some damage going, fire/lightning/cold/attackspeed, life and resist is a big+ Rings: weapon ele dmg, fire/cold/lightning damage, if you can get some life or resist thats nice Amulet: same as ring Notice you should try to have 1 gearpiece you can 4link and is armor or armor hybrid so you can easily get access to CWDT combo Question: can i do this as another class? Answer: sure you can but i think ranger is the most optimal due to that free 8% attackspeed node in start of your tree Question: can i go crit? Answer: sure you can but i dont think i would recommend for hardcore due to the fact you need to give up lots of juicy things to get those dagger nodes for now thats all i can think of, been up for 20 hours so cut me some slack if theres some grammar issues WORK IN PROGRESS Last edited by piratkuk on May 11, 2015, 10:20:23 PM