New Unique Item: Heartbound Loop

Don't be sorry for the delay. Take your time and make it right :)

We would like some more uniques in the beta though to test :)
Chris Wilson: "Today was the proudest day of my life."
Vaal it!
The only thing good about this ring is the increased AoE. The other mods are negligible. And even then... 10%? That's pretty terrible. With this ring you're trading 350 phys damage on summon death, no resists, no life/es, other mods, etc. for 10% aoe?

More vendor/recipe garbage I guess.

The theme is cool though. But I don't really agree with how it was implemented. Shared damage taken between summoner/monsters would have probably been 100x better/cooler imo. But meh, as long as the supporter is happy who cares.
Last edited by DestroTheGod on May 5, 2015, 11:26:06 PM
Can someone explain how the miniscule benefits outweigh the negatives? Maybe, I don't get it because I strictly play HC leagues, But seems like another vendor junk ring to me? Like the 10+ other "New" unique rings/amys introduced with masters of the forsaken. Bring back something interesting i.e. shav's ring, onslaught on kill ring etc. Anyone else feel like GGG plays it too "safe" now when introducing items into the game? Because god forbid, it could possibly if attained by the top players in the 3 month temp-league w.e. would be.. dare I say.. Actually good/Opie?

Btw Please remove, the lame 1 month (here's something to do league, since we are 2 months behind on act 4)... I'm actually enjoying playing HC perm league at the moment... and I finally got my stash organized from 4 leagues worth of remove only tabs.. and was about to go hard, than this gets announced lol... there goes a week of going through 80 or so tabs, and doing 4 tabs of GCP recipe... What do i do with 250 GCP's?
this ring back when evangelicals were OP would have been insane. As is, its just a niche unique but nothing to go crazy over...
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
macdre wrote:
Can someone explain how the miniscule benefits outweigh the negatives? Maybe, I don't get it because I strictly play HC leagues, But seems like another vendor junk ring to me? Like the 10+ other "New" unique rings/amys introduced with masters of the forsaken. Bring back something interesting i.e. shav's ring, onslaught on kill ring etc. Anyone else feel like GGG plays it too "safe" now when introducing items into the game? Because god forbid, it could possibly if attained by the top players in the 3 month temp-league w.e. would be.. dare I say.. Actually good/Opie?

Nah the ring is trash. Just lots of the standard trollish replies, the usual.

macdre wrote:
Btw Please remove, the lame 1 month (here's something to do league, since we are 2 months behind on act 4)... I'm actually enjoying playing HC perm league at the moment... and I finally got my stash organized from 4 leagues worth of remove only tabs.. and was about to go hard, than this gets announced lol... there goes a week of going through 80 or so tabs, and doing 4 tabs of GCP recipe... What do i do with 250 GCP's?

Oh you're enjoying playing the HC perma league? Then keep doing that. The new leagues won't have any influence over you. In fact, you don't even need to acknowledge they exist. So just don't worry about them.
Last edited by DestroTheGod on May 5, 2015, 11:31:56 PM
its a leveling ring for your golem, its not meant for summoners or for endgame, look at the stats mana and life regen with nothing else its obviously for power leveling then replaced at merc, and its useless for actual summoners since they all use vaal skeles and this ring would instant RIP you.
Last edited by Rimez on May 5, 2015, 11:37:29 PM
DestroTheGod wrote:
The only thing good about this ring is the increased AoE. The other mods are negligible. And even then... 10%? That's pretty terrible. With this ring you're trading 350 phys damage on summon death, no resists, no life/es, other mods, etc. for 10% aoe?

More vendor/recipe garbage I guess.

The theme is cool though. But I don't really agree with how it was implemented. Shared damage taken between summoner/monsters would have probably been 100x better/cooler imo. But meh, as long as the supporter is happy who cares.

Oh, you beat me to the punch by like 30 seconds lol....

I agree on the shared damage though, like Warlock Soul Link had in WoW, its been years since i've played no idea if its around anymore.

But essentially like 10-20% of damage taken by you is shared with your minion (in effect giving you 10-20% dmg mitigation basically)

THAN... it could be worth the loss of potentially 100+ resist and 70+ life aswell as possibly crit base or chaos res, or other great mods like cast speed.
DestroTheGod wrote:
The only thing good about this ring is the increased AoE. The other mods are negligible. And even then... 10%? That's pretty terrible. With this ring you're trading 350 phys damage on summon death, no resists, no life/es, other mods, etc. for 10% aoe?

First, it might be a range, so who knows the top roll. Second, 10% on a ring slot is pretty huge. Finally, minion life is being underrated.

macdre wrote:
Can someone explain how the miniscule benefits outweigh the negatives?...

My take on it. Quite easy for summoners to use Arctic Armour, which reduced PD taken and thus counters most of the downside. Minion Life and Minion AOE then synergise nicely with Minion Instability, which if you wanted to you could link with Life Leech to again cover the PD taken. The mana regen and flat life regen both aid in running AA and recovering life lost.

Also with the addition of Golems, they're more persistent minions that use a number of AOE based abilities, this ring will help those minions while suffering few deaths.

Probably other uses for Zombies and Spectres that I'm unfamiliar with and others can comment.

EDIT: also... the "12 life regenerated per second" at level 20 is easily > 2% Life Regen at that level, based on most players having < 600 life around then.
Chris Wilson: "Today was the proudest day of my life."
Last edited by Kaysee on May 5, 2015, 11:51:24 PM

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