Advice for Scion Crit w/ Swords

This is my current build:

Clearly I am fairly low leveled at the moment, and obviously the next cluster I am going to hit is the big juicy one near Shadow, but does anyone have any nitpicking to do on my tree before I go any farther? My goal is to use a rapier for the increased crit multi. General crit with no specific skill in mind.
It's hard to really give any advice without having any idea what you plan to do with the build as you level higher.
Right this moment your build would be better if you'd started as a Shadow.

One last thing, I cannot speak for others, but I have tried Sword/Rapier Crit myself. I hated it, whatever is gained from the implicit crit-multiplier is lost by the disgraceful base crit-chance. If you plan to stick around the Shadow area you will be far better served by using a Dagger instead.
IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde
It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle.
You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta.
I do not want to go crit dagger shadow as I have already done a number of those builds into the ~70s
Do you use dual swords or weapon and shield?
That is something I should have put in the main post XD. Definitely shield. I am bad at not dying.

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