MTX combo bug?

Hi guys/girls... I just posted this in the BUG section as well... it appears the "Decapitation" armour effect on a head piece isn't working when combined with a "Skinned" armour from another unique (in this case The Covenant)... ohh and the armour piece has the "Demonic Tenticles" applied too. Here are some piccies:

No decpitated head :(

Decapitated head when armour is removed :)

I haven't tried any other combos and I'm not sure if this is intentional or not.

Cheers and keep up the good work. :)

PS - quite a collection for MTX options now available, some real diversity starting to appear. GJ.
Chris Wilson: "Today was the proudest day of my life."
That's quite funny with the bloody neck peaking through.

Question since my MTX tabs bother me I have 1 and 3 - you have 1 and 4 - Did you ever have a 2 and 3 or it just appeared as 4?
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
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My beloved pets....


Hard to cast a spell with a blade in your throat eh, witch?

hehe bloody neck the hidden mtx!

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
peachii wrote:
That's quite funny with the bloody neck peaking through.

Question since my MTX tabs bother me I have 1 and 3 - you have 1 and 4 - Did you ever have a 2 and 3 or it just appeared as 4?

IIRC just the 4 popped up from memory once my page 1 "spilled over"
Chris Wilson: "Today was the proudest day of my life."

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